I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.
My boyfriend 28 yrs old has a really close relationship with his three small girl cousins 8, 10 and 11. They are always hugging, touching playing.. (but not in a weird way). nevertheless, I always felt extremely uncomfortable seeing this, made me feel strangely sick by the situation. I had to come to terms with this and for myself try to see it in a more innocent way. It took a time, I am not 100 cool with it
Man hugs his niece and it makes me feel insanely sick 🤢🤢🤢
1 AutoModerator 2019-08-03
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1 SnapshillBot 2019-08-03
I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.
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1 byobombs 2019-08-03
Just sort by controversial. Honestly There are so many retards in there.
1 MrRightIsWhite 2019-08-03
Did OP just admit to banging his 10 year old sister? That phrasing can't be an accident.
1 GARBAGE_MACHINE 2019-08-03
Man hugs his niece and it makes me feel insanely sick 🤢🤢🤢
1 Osterion 2019-08-03
Males should be restraining from touching all chipdren, ESPECIALLY those of blood relation.
1 ragnathorn 2019-08-03
Women are demons
1 loli_esports 2019-08-03
wheres the drama