As summer comes to a close, teenagers in r/BikiniBottomTwitter complain about having to go to school.

50  2019-08-03 by Ghdust2


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I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. As summer comes to a close, teenage... -,,

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Nigga just go to bed earlier lmao.

Many zoomers like to pretend to have crippling anxiety and depression, but this is because they have an inferiority complex with redditors (I have researched this extensively), who actually do suffer both; this increases the difficulty of falling asleep and decreases the quality of the sleep.

People love to brag about how little sleep they get. It's completely retarded.

Meanwhile dramanauts go to bed at sunset and wake up at sunrise.

Hey I've worked myself into a 1am-923am sleep schedule and it works like a dream.


Again, I say it's time to legalize beating teens mercilessly anytime they express an opinion.


Jesus christ the chad worship is real its full of i got up at 5 walked 10 miles in the snow lifted then started school.

They're gonna be in for a treat when they have a job and a family.

Imagine thinking anyone who posts on Reddit will have either of those things

Hahahahahahaha Nigga Just Move Somewhere Else

School around here starts at 8:40 I've never gotten less than 8 hours of sleep lol

r/teenagers seethes

Imagine being such a fuck up in life you start posting to drama in your teens instead of your jaded and life ruined late 20s

cope I'd be mortified if more than 25% of the posters here aren't underage how pathetic

Updated arr drama demographics survey when?

Seethe more fucking loser zoomer

Imagine being older than 18 and complaining about online moderators and brigading threads while your peers get laid

The true blackpill (and ultimate dramapill) is deleting your Reddit account once you turn 18.

Lol u mad


Kids reeing about how school needs to start later are retards. So school starts at 12 instead of 8, that just means you get out at 6 instead of 2. Wait until they learn that there are some people who actually sleep during the day and have jobs that require them to be awake at night 😯

One day, these kids will learn that they will be responsible for their own success and failures. That or they'll get a degree in art and complain about no jobs...who knows.

As summer comes to a close

It's only the beginning of August, and any schools that start before Labor Day are r-slurred

Go back to Michigan.

Ew no, every time I visit family I'm reminded of why I don't live there.

I moved here a few years ago and while I like the idea of not starting school before Labor Day, in practice it's completely stupid. Yeah, starting school in mid-August kind of sucks, but not getting out until Memorial Day is ridiculous.

We ended some time mid June. Perfect as the weather starts getting nice then.