Retard thinks everyone should always use the E brake no matter what

27  2019-08-03 by charming_tatum


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You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. Retard thinks everyone should alway... -,,

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Well, you probably should

Definitely if you’re on any sort of an incline

It’s not a bad habit it have, incline or not.

Actually it can damage the rotors, or even cause indentations.

PARK includes a pin that prevents any movement of the car, it is more than sufficient for any vehicle.

Manuals are of course different, but only retards drive manuals.

Manuals are of course different, but only retards drive manuals.


I'm unironically fuming rn

I wish I had gotten my car in a manual. I’m tired of the automatic, unironically.

When I was looking to buy my current car back in late 2017, a Mazda MX-5 ND, my father and my friends kept pestering me to get it with an automatic transmission instead of manual. Best decision I made was buying it manual, it's so much more responsive and fun to drive. I'm not making the jump to automatics any time soon that's for sure.

You made the correct choice. I currently have an auto NC as my daily driver, but my next Miata will be a manual. It's not terrible, but the lag between clicking the paddle and the car actually downshifting can be fairly annoying.

Thanks man, good luck with the next buy.

Did you get the ragtop or the RF? I'm still undecided. I like my PRHT for the winters here, but I'm not keen on how the RF looks with it folded down.

Hardtop. I did think think about getting the soft top version but I really liked the RF look.

I can't imagine buying a miata then buying it in fucking automatic. You made the right choice.

Manuals are cool and I find I'm more engaged behind the wheel. That said, I cant wait to switch back to automatic. My city has a ton of traffic and it's so fucking annoying to constantly be shifting in and out of first.

the C O P E in this thread is unreal

Automatics have better fuel efficiency than manuals now. The only reason to drive a manual is because you're a boomer who's dick don't work no more.

This isn’t true at all.

It's much better to put stress on your driveline than just pulling the p brake, that way your car won't last 200,000 miles and you can get a new one faster when you inevitably ruin your transmission

Plus parking pawls do break. On flat ground not as big of a deal but on a Hill not good.

Even if that were true, and its not, replacing a rotor on your average car isn't exactly the end of the world. I'd do a dozen brake jobs over having to drop a tranny

drop a tranny

Come on we all know you love this

Dont bring the mods into this

Yeah and you'd probably could just refinish it if it was at all warped somehow by the brake

You got it backwards. Manuals give you better control and saves gas. Retards that need a free hand to use their phones pick automatics.

and saves gas

That used to be true, as long as the driver drove it economically, but not so much anymore. Somewhere in the last 5-7-10 years, many new vehicles have 8 and 10 spd autos that with computer control are more economical than a manual.

The more gears allow for keeping the engine in optimal rpm range across the driving cycle, and the computer controls help.

I drive a manual myself, and enjoy the experience more, but newer autos with more gear ratios have changed that old paradigm.

Huh, damn computers.

changing down for corners and hills instead of mashing brakes like a retard is a game changer


You can downshift on automatics too. Most people don't unfortunately


Manuals are of course different, but only retards drive manuals.

This was the hardest lolcow to upvote yet.

only men thatknow how to drive properly drive manuals

none of this prissy oh its in drive shit for me


Derr manual fun, I like do more work when drive, so fun, duh stupid automatic with both hands on wheel lol

imagine opting to drive cars that automates the Fast and Furious part of driving.

Huh? I thought everyone did this, am I just retarded?

Those aren’t mutually exclusive

You might be for unrelated reasons, but anyone who doesn't use a safety feature that takes 0.5 seconds to engage is a bigger retard.

Based and precautionpilled

Imagine having to park on an incline like a common hillbilly.

He isn’t wrong. I am lazy and don’t normally do it but it’s not a bad practice.

I think Its unneccary on flat surfaces especially in an automatic

An automatic (or, you know regular car) has a pin that is engaged which prevents any vehicle movement. You most certainly do not have to engage the emergency break on an automatic even if parking on a hill.

Parking pawls break not too often so it’s a good habit. Hill or not.

I know, that's why I said its unneccessary in an automatic. Sometimes, especially on very steep hills, that pin can fail. I lived in the bay for a few years and I got in to the habit of using the e brake on hills

Would have helped our boy Pavel here.

He didnt fly so good

I hope you meant only in an automatic, because I would never step out of a manual car without the parking brake engaged. Might discover the hard way that "flat" surface isn't quite so flat.

Its unneccary, especially in an automatic

Do you know what especially means you absolute brainlet.

Let's break it down and examine other ways you could have phrased this.

I think its unnecessary on flat surfaces in an automatic

This is acceptable.

I think it's unnecessary in an automatic, especially on flat surfaces.

This is also acceptable.

But you wrote:

I think Its unneccary on flat surfaces especially in an automatic

Which is simply retarded.

Its unneccary especially in an automatic

I live in a flatland paradise and never use my e-brake. In most cars I've ever driven or been in it barely or doesn't even work after several years of non-use.

10 years ago I spent about 3 months driving a car to and from work with only an e brake

On a manual just leave it in gear, shit won't move don't even need a handbrake.

What kind of weirdo just leaves it in first when they park.

Someone who doesn't want their car to move? It's standard practice where I live, stop, into first, handbrake on.

If you put the handbrake on anyways, why not just shift into neutral?

Why would you bother. Also I've driven a lot of shit boxes, I trust leaving it in gear more than the handbrake.

Why? Seems like you're just risking a stallout for no real reason.

Do you mean when you start? Honestly never happened, it's second nature to clutch it or put it into neutral when starting.

So you put it into neutral anyways? It just seems weird to me. Why not just put into neutral when you park? I just don't get the benefit.

When I'm going to start driving, sure sometimes or like I said just clutch in and start. So that when I'm not in the car it doesn't move? It's not rocket science.

That only makes sense if you backed into a parking spot. It's literally the same amount of steps otherwise. I just find it easier to leave it in neutral with the P-brake engaged while I plug my phone in, organize my car, etc. Then put it into the gear I need.

Do you wipe just the one time? I like to double check afterwards

In the same way that it’s not necessary to wear your seatbelt if you don’t plan on crashing

I saw a YouTuber (technology connections) say that using a deadman's switch could have prevented Anton's death.

Fairly certain you can find youtubers saying anything about anything :P

Big if true

I saw a YouTuber (technology connections)

Huh, that guy talks about the most inane shit. It's great.

I can't agree with or make fun of this take until I find out about the car Star Trek Man was driving.

With an automatic, I never use the e brake unless I'm on a hill. With a manual, I use it every single time I get out of the car.

Retard is correct.

lmao have people never driven a car tf you think the parking brake is for

People are just fucking lazy.

holy shit since when people this ignorant are allowed to drive

Imagine having to drive yourself like a poor and even knowing a brake is.

Da fuck is an ebrake? U burgers talking about the handbrake? It's not normal to use that? The fuck.