R-slur takes about the shooting in /news sorted by controversial

38  2019-08-04 by unrulyfarmhand


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The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. R-slur takes about the shooting in ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Fucking zoomer rightoids gonna get my pews taken away.

Boomers aren't even working on metalliduran 3-D printing you deserve to lose your rights, it'll prepare you for when we have to put you in the home.

I'm 13, okay? You talking to me like that is considered child sexual exploitation and that's not right.

Founding fathers would have wanted us to create biological abominations to produce shooty shooty bangbangs because it freaks out the Brits

Drunken libertarian farmers with old muskets vs the entire Royal Army and Navy. Now 250 years later our rifle-wielders are either zoomer retards or Boomer whalechair-bound retards.

Darkest timeline.

No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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13, huh?

You wanna see my cool Pokémon collection?

Kinda tbh.

This my shiny haul from the last few days


Oh you in deep.

I just grab 2 shinies and 1 CD move unless it’s good. Def better shiny rates than the early community days, got like 7 today in an hour of casual playing.

Oh yeah I go hard af on community days cus they make for great trades later on

True. I only went hard on Metagross day in past year tbh.

Damn this was really wholesome 😊

It's cuz burgers can't behave

I propose a new constitutional amendment: everybody has a right to own a gun. Mandatory AR-15s for every adult. Overpopulation solved.

>more concentration camp nonsense

enough already just give them some Adderall

![               ](https://i.imgur.com/aPib3vm.jpg)!<

The most annoying take for me is the self righteous mongs who hand wring about "dae news media are vultures for reporting on this" while they fall over themselves to get pointless internet karma by talking about the shooting.

Fuck that evil media for giving us the information we're desperate to find out.

I think the solution is clear - we eliminate the zoomer menace. All of them, once and for all.

Lol better do it fast because if you're against zoomers, they've definitely already got the cross-hairs on you.

Start poisoning the world's tendie supply. Not that I know a whole lot of zoomers, thank god, but they all have the most retarded taste in food and pretty much stick to tendies and microwave pizzas. You don't even have to be secret about it, either. Even if they know that their main source of food is poisonous, they'll either keep eating it or starve.

Also it seems like these kids are pretty on edge, too. It makes for bad marksmanship and you might be able to get away if you have some warning.
