Redditor pays stranger $800 because he gets uncomfortable when people talk to him

117  2019-08-04 by TheLordHighExecu


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On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. Redditor pays stranger $800 because... -,,

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He’s definitely a retard but I feel bad about him

I don’t

Well you’re a pretty big meanie

Will you quit being a huge faggot who complains about people being ''mean'' it's not the first time

You’re being REALLY mean right now

and thats a good thing

I’m sure it makes you feel better on the surface but deep down you grow sadder every time you be a meanie

nah, bullying makes me feel good inside as well

That's because you're a faggot.


Bullying makes my pee-pee hard.

Only when I'm being bullied though


Edit: Since the thread is locked, I’ll just say that I appreciate all the advice/kind words, I’ve read all of it. People were a lot less judgmental than I thought they’d be which is nice.

guarantee if the thread was left unlocked for another 12 hours he'd be singin' a different tune



> I just ignore everyone who tries to talk to me on the street.

> The guy just wanted goddamn directions to get out this shithole of a city I live in but I sure showed him.

Lmao Imagine caring about having people bum smokes off you and being that miserly, I gave $40 to a vet once and he asked for more and how can you not admire that kind of balls lmao

Yeah these days with wifi, 4g, and cell phones theres really little legit reason to just approach strangers for random help. Unless I like saw someone get injured in front of me I just keep walking and ignore them

Lmao just last week I saw a guy going full verbal domestic on his wife in front of his kid on the street.

Idiot didn't know the police eat at the local joint half a block away, Uncle Ted was right.

Mind your business

I'm a man people mind their business around me because even retards know to shut your fucking mouth on a public sidewalk

Thank God we have you cleaning up the streets. I'm going to beat the the fuck out of my girl in a Walmart today just for you

Maybe if you read my posts a few more times you'll be able to figure out what actually happened like say cops literally eating in a restaurant with a guy yelling at his wife and kid outside of it retardo

I'm blind asshole

Uncle Ted was right.

Lol you shouldn't even fucking talk to strangers anymore because you have 4g? Technology has really fried people's brains.

I gave $40 to a vet once


Imagine not knowing homeless people before they deployed lmao big city folks

homeless people




Homeless people are literally more respected in society than you


Which is the proof we are doing something wrong as a society.

Gamers suffer a lot in society

Why would you give money to some twat that was in your armed forces? Do they not get paid? Or do they get paid in burgers and guns?

Brit, i'm just one of those guys people fucking talk to all the time, it was some sort of group fundrasing thing, had a whole talk with him about the differences in the lifestyle between there and the great coastal migration.

get cucked eurofag.

Oh aye im sure worried about my mental health over here. Constantly worrying about getting shot in the head by some retard with his favourite gun.

Wait a second....

Nice cope to not have to talk about Britian's homeless being let down.

You can't even secede what makes you think you can take care of disenfranchised people,

I'm actually not that bothered about them.

what do I expect from a country that doesn't even have public restrooms open after 6pm because of all the drugs and rape

Which country is that you're talking about pal?




We can only hope to reach Zozzle one day, the one true nirvana 😩💦💦

The one that talks about how great the metric system is and how dumb americans are for not using it than measures rain in what now?


You'd think so wouldn't you uninformed Eurotrash wouldn't you. Not like they have newspapers or such you could look at right now to find out lmao

Um, excuse me sweatie?

Bongs are retarded but not that retarded.

"I'm not retarded I just don't know the diff between a Government Website and a Newspaper"

You're just pretending right?

Where do you think the newspapers get their information from?


If you want examples of bong inconsistency with metric that I noticed while I lived there was driving distance, height, yard glasses, and weed. Rainfall was pretty consistently in mm.

I'm not enough of a boomer to have actually bought newspapers though so if you can show me one that uses inches in the current year of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ then show me it.

Where do you think the newspapers get their information from?


You understand them converting from Metric to American is even dumber right?

Yea man I totally brought home one of those rags from London i'll hop right on photocopying it for you since the fact they measure things in metric for the international market and websites means they don't also measure in Imperial, how are you so stupid you don't know Stones lmao

He thinks the Sun would actually put that much effort into their reporting that they'd have different measurements for international readers


Dude they have more than one newspaper wow stop

feisty one you are

Why is this here? Dude got fleeced, he knows he got fleeced. Where is the drama?

Twist: dude is actually a scam-artist trying to get people to reimburse him for his sob-story.

Fuck i gave him a 10 to his go fund me

To be fair, some of those scammers are fucking wizards.

ooof, scammed because afraid of saying "no." I would think the anxiety of losing $800 would be worse but maybe this chump is just young and dumb. Expensive lesson but it coulda been a lot more. I've seen dummies get scammed over tens of thousands of dollars with this scam.

Lol just read it and it's a basic bum money order scam. Imagine getting got by this level of amateur hour.

Sometimes I play into a scam if it's unique, intricate, and interesting enough because hell game likes game but a money order shell is like a step below the kited written cheque play.
