Literal tranny version of Pizzashill spends entire day posting essay after essay in heated agument with Christcuck mob over the subject of troons in the Bible.

34  2019-08-04 by Matues49


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Literal tranny version of Pizzashil... -,,

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Also, medical dick tattoos! I'm getting color alteration and veins added. Dr. Santucci says I should definitely get it before surgery rather than after, and at 6 months my scars have settled down enough that I can and should start ASAP. I contacted the Sauler institute about it, and they say they do have experience with phalloplasty medical tattooing! I'm in the process of scheduling my consultation now, hopefully it'll be sometime this fall.

I am so fucking excited about all this. No lie, getting dick tattoos is kind of intimidating, nerve regrowth has been happening so this will probably hurt like hell. But fuck it it's worth it.

imagine explaining this to a monk in the 15th century

Are Catholics the only non cucked version of Christians? That was just painful

A whole lot of very devout Christian theologians, clergy, laypeople, and entire denominations, not to mention most branches of Judaism, do not think that a universal condemnation of same gender relationships is an accurate understanding or appropriate application of scripture

No, Donny, these men are nihilists heretics.


Lol imagine only believing the Bible via other people. The whole point of the book is that it's the one source, and should be taken as such. Most Christians nowadays are total cucks

>2019 >Not being a Muslim

I am a trans man. I did not "change my gender". My gender is male. My gender has always been male.

This is my favourite troid cope

Jesus fuck ur actually a retard. Bro im so sorry I called you that earlier. If I had known you were actually mentally impaired i wouldn't have said it :(