A coping liberal[m] and seething conservative[f] fights it over a video showing some guy getting arrested after hitting a protester.

12  2019-08-04 by pok8


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. A coping liberal[m] and seething co... - archive.org, archive.today

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Man, green shirt would really clean up in the middle school girl boxing scene.

lmao the side of his fist was hitting blue's head. what a fag


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The efforts of some to legitimize violence as a form of debate are terrifying.

I like how blue shirt steps up to green shirt, beckons green shirt closer, all the while green shirt is approaching with his fists raised, but he's still caught completely off guard when the punches start landing.

What did you expect to happen, old man?

Alternate title - “Two amateur golfers feels each other’s beards”

Wow they have the exact same body type. This is why mayos are becoming minorities.


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Is Mindy Robinson a Glumpf e-Thot

They didn't happen at George W. Bush's rallies either.

That's what happens when you keep protesters 5 miles away in 'free speech zones.'

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