Snally goes to /r/linguistics with her hot takes, gets called a retard and bullied by baristas and waiters

142  2019-08-04 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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  1. Snally goes to /r/linguistics with ... -,,

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Sorry snally but I took one linguistics course and it was my favorite one ever so I’m gonna have to side with them.


if linguists want more funding it might be a good idea to get the general public interested in linguistics through cheep social media campaigns.

Fuck you linguists don't have funding!

I think I have a permanent indent from facepalming so hard


So I was a few drinks in and trying to learn about some endangered languages and for some reason this time was particularly struck by how shitty the field is at not only making it accessible for people who want to learn (not necessarily even dumbing it down for laymen but including things like contextual education, e.g. where a character would be impossible for a layman to understand so they can, you know, actually learn) but consolidating information for pretty much anyone who wants to access it. I thought it'd be funny to post a half-sincere rant on the sub and was not expecting that kind of backlash. Jesus christ those people are insecure.



Language is metaphor, redditors are autistic, and so the world turns

Could be worse. I love studying linguistics but I can’t learn languages lmao.

Have you tried Spanish? That always made sense to me. French is all fucky tho.

Spanish is unironically easier than French even though French has had a larger influence on English.

Yeah Spanish makes so much sense to me. I can get by I think.

But French I got stuck in a Parisian market looking like a retard because I couldn’t say “bottle of vodka” properly apparently. Thank god there was a bilingual woman in front of me willing to help or else I would have had to wait longer to get drunk.

Frogicide when?

The French were actually an extremely nice people. I think that whole smug anti American shit died out. My buddy’s gone a few times and a Frenchie told him that attitude is only from the older ones.

They were all real nice and super tolerant of English speakers

super tolerant of English speakers

That's because we saved their asses. They're lucky the Pyrenees seperates Spain and France otherwise the Iberian Übermenchen wouldn't have btfo'd them long ago.

Are you my faggot uncle? You didn’t save shit and your granddaddy didn’t even save shit.

That's not very nice. 😥

Sorry I just loathe American exceptionalism and chauvinism

My grandad didn't fight in world war ii but he did serve in the Mexican Military. 😸

I was told that as long as you try to speak the language, they are cool. I suppose it's the same anywhere though. Nobody wants to deal with the guy who has been in the country for 10 years and refuses to learn the language. That's the way it is in Miami.

Well, in Paris, most of them spoke English just as good as us. So, my poor Francophile friend kept trying to order in French and the waiters would be like “you speak English right? I can take the order in English.” Lol.

lol I've heard they mostly speak English but they appreciate if you at least try. I'm hearing this from a non-American though, and yes I did hear that the whole "we hate americans" isn't really a thing in Paris anymore.

They did appreciate my friend trying but their English was so good they just wanna be fast and take the order in English.

The French influence on English is filling it words that no one can spell or pronounce. French is retarded Latin, and ought to be expunged completely from the English lexicon. I'm sure the French people are lovely, but their language is simply the worst.

That's the bongistanis' fault for being too retarded to transliterate.

In elementary school they made us learn, and I hated it. Our teacher was terrible, plus she was from Peru so apparently none of the orher Spanish teachers could understand her lmao.

My friends Peruvian mother is so hard to understand but part of that may be because she’s half paralyzed from giving birth to him.

You want researchers to just release recordings and transcripts of conversation out at large? Lol what's ethics amirite? Let's put everyone's raw recordings online, I'm sure that kind of breach of ethics will be good publicity for the field!

Prime Humanities cope.

The Humanities are always coping because they're field is a meme.

I bet snally is an anthropology major.

I think it's like barging into a back-to-back terrace house and telling the inhabitants "you really ought to have a prettier front garden, and also why don't you have underfloor heating in the bathrooms? It's very comfy".

Were you one of those people in math class complaining about having to do basic algebra because you won’t use it at Burger King?

So I was a few drinks in


M U M fam.

Did you pop the kid already, snally?

no im just building its alcohol tolerance so it can be cool when it grows up

You want a child with fetal alcohol syndrome? Poor thing

Why would you expect anything different from a drama mod?

Can't wait until you birth a Pizzashill that only argues about Nazis on obscure furry forums.

based snally is just doing her part to increase the quality of drama in the world of tomorrow

I hope ur bb was born and ur not drinkin while preggers

Which languages?

Drunkenly laying into linguists for not making their findings more accessible to a general audience is peak snally

You're right for taking them to task. Literally one of the guys in that thread was saying how responding to posts on reddit counts as a valid form of public engagement. This isn't specific to linguistics though, pretty much all of the humanities seems to have fallen into a state of indolence and elitism. They see growing anti-intellectual sentiment in the West and seem unable to conceive what their role in it might be. They'd rather just sit around and jerk off and smell each other's farts in their ivory towers while blaming rightoids for not funding or appreciating them enough. The problem is that they are politically and culturally inbred.

Also, this is some A-tier drama you managed to stir up 😂

Linguistics isn’t humanities retard, it’s STEM

No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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That does beg the question: How does linguistics as a field contribute to the well-being of say, your average burger? STEM is the guys working those fancy-smancy beep boop machines that he uses for work. Econ is his stock broker. Med is the guy he gets diabetes meds from. Law is the one he works with for divorce proceedings, and even a similar soft-sci field, psychology, dispenses his favorite legal recreational drugs.

When would he ever come into contact with a linguistics major?

If it makes you feel any better their responses reinforced all of your arguments. Linguists are pompous eggheads by default.


On a scale of 1-10, how epically triggered are you when I post the schwa?


FWIW linguistics is less about "conserving languages" than it is about documenting and analyzing them. It isn't really the same as zoology in that regard. That said I agree that recordings should be more widespread.

I think I made the distinction between conservation and study at some point, but idr. Either way the field should make itself more accessible to people who want to form a surface knowledge about it

Definitely true, and a quick scan of /r/badlinguistics proves that people largely DO NOT UNDERSTAND what the field is and how it works. You don't address idiocy like that by putting up your nose.

That was unironically a good post, snally. As always.

Thanks man

Linguistics is about a lot more than documenting lenguages retard.

What Snally seems to be looking at is what we're talking about faggot.

You’re an idiot who doesn’t even halfway understand the discipline you’re attacking

Go drunk more you anti-science ignoramous

I'm not attacking the discipline, I'm attacking the way it disseminates information to the public and how it doesn't do the bare minimum to bring attention to itself for its own benefit

Would Snally be interested in a career criminal in his 30s?

Fk off snally is mine 🤬🤬🤬

She's my wine aunt IRL. PM for pics.

If that's true, it'd be bigger news than Ed's curry reveal

I would recommend that you look at what physicists, ecologists, biologists, psychologists (well maybe not so much them), and even anthropologists have done to create public interest in their fields in pursuit of a goal

one thing i've learned is don't bring hard sciences into discussions with people in social sciences. it seems to universally piss them off.


anthropology as well; they were science mixing 🤮

Le hard science = good and I’m a retarded redditor without a degree in any of them

what part of your post is true and why are you still working at McDonalds?

I have a degree in any of them and I can unironically confirm that the softer the science gets, the more retarded it becomes. Recommended reading: Replication crisis, student IQ by field. Don't be anti-science.

If you bring hard sciences into the discussion, you get two reactions from the soft sciences.

  1. "Wow, yikes. We soft sciences are very important, too."

  2. "I am actually what people would call a hard science, too. We once did something with numbers. In out university we even share department with the medics."

The funniest thing you can do to some soft science majors who rant about how they are perceived as less than the actual sciences is to throw them a bone. "Everyone just does the STEM circlejerk. Fucking STEM! So annoying. STEM is so-" - "But I heard that psychology is kinda STEM, too?" - "YES! Exactly! This is actually true. We are not one of these stupid soft sciences. We are STEM! Lol, soft science is for idiots!"

Linguists are elite whiny little bitches, confirmed

Linguistics has always been for elites. Nobody working a 9-5 has time to ponder which words from English are cognates with Latin or loanwords.

Certainly, but being elit-ist is not necessary and reeks of insecurity and laziness. It's not unreasonable at all to wonder why the field has no approachability or public interest.

What's funny to me in particular those little babbies were bitching about not having funding to do the things Snally suggested, but usually generating more interest in the field increases funding. They're just bitches

Yeah and they’re gong to do this by dumping language funding into making shitty Rosetta courses for languages with no utilitty

When people don’t even learn languages they have to use very well through such methods

Such stupidity and ignorance, Snally is a retartd

Noam Chomsky’s universal syntax is the basis for all computer languages

But some rightoid who knows nothing about science besides a Stephan Molyneux rant about how STEM = good is going to school them all ofc

lol no, imagine thinking a theory of human language acquisition predates computing.

Earlier computer languages are the basis of all computer languages, going back past OOP in the 60s, past Turing's a-machine in '36, past Babbage's difference engine, and even past Shickard's and Pascal's calculators in the 1600s. Computer language is a pure application of mathematics and logic and fundamentally a product of engineering.

It's all ones and zeroes nigga, you can literally not get a harder science.

jfc the ammount of raw unadulterated smug in that thread, how do these dipshits not choke on their own emissions of it every single day?

The basketball americans have the best linguistics

CunninLynguists are the only good linguists in this world, tho iirc one of them is actually mayo

ye i think its 2 basketballs and one fentanyl, I really like their stuff

Yeah because we don’t buy that fake dialects created by elitists like received pronunciation are “correct” we are taking your same error in reverse and declaring the dialects of English you hate in fact the correct and best

Maybe approach this from a different perspective nazi


white savior

Opinion discarded.




Nobody has any obligation to satisfy your white savior complex.

Yeah, because it would be so hard to find one guy who would gladly agree to be recorded to have his language saved for future generations... lmao, as if this was the actual issue here.

Meanwhile /r/etymology is an incredibly interesting subreddit, likely fulled with a lot of bullshit but interesting nonetheless

This shit right there is why I hate humanities, unironically.

Information should be accessible to all.

You’re free to buy some obscure linguistics journal and read about these languages if you want too

Even if they made a shitty Rosetta course for you about some obscure language in the Amazons you’d never learn it

You can’t even learn Japanese after thirteen tries how tf are you going to learn a useless language

You’re a fucking liar

Linguistics is not the science of teaching people how to learn lanaguages, you don’t even understand the discipline you’re attacking, just more ignorant Americans who hate science and don’t even understand the sciences they hate

> Implying I am american.

Cyberbullying is not okay.

Snally you don’t really understand linguistics do you

It’s not the study of language learning

It’s not the study of language learning

Did you even try to read the thread?