Secret footage from the last r/Drama mod meetup

260  2019-08-04 by ArlenBilldozer



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  1. Secret footage from the last r/Dram... -,

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I know it's based on politics but it's dunking on mods so it evens out.

I got that weird auto mod ban for some shit??? Why???????


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Stalin would have sent all these people to the gulag.


Reminder that the purges were good and necessary.

The only pad thing about Stalin was that he didn’t purge them thoroughly enough.

At least he got rid of the trots.

We need another plague.

That's what autism is.

Um excuse me, it's peoplx, please stop using oppressive terminology.

These people wouldn't even be able to make it in America 20 years. Imagine being that much of a whiny twat.

Full video here, they can’t get anything done because everyone is trying to out woke everyone. It’s insane.

they can’t get anything done because everyone is trying to out woke everyone


skip the first foid

Appreciate the heads up, but I didn't need to be told that

"I just wanted to ask in a comradely spirit that we think about community agreements and whether we are following them. Things like 'why am I talking' and 'Step up and Step Back' and there are demographics that are talking more than other demographics, like white guys..."

Pans to the crowd, 95% white

Lmao that was priceless


watching that made me want to fucking die

As if one needed more proof of their incompetence and lack of economic and historical knowledge.


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"*bleist" is political? Thst's retarded.

and they're all fucking obese IMAGINE MY SHOCK

For real though, all radicals hate each other and that's why there's always a purge or a terror in the aftermath of a seizure.

And πŸ‘ that’s πŸ‘ a πŸ‘ good πŸ‘ thing


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Pretty sure he'd have just liquidated them, as their labor wouldn't even offset the cost of food and shelter.

the real question is whether they would offset the cost of a bullet


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Thank you guys for all quieting down for masterlawlz, you know how he gets when he’s off his meds.



Did you not watch the video???


That guy sounded skinny

Can we please make an r/drama radical centrist cringe compilation with this video and the thread with the unfunny kid saying the n word earlier?


It doesn’t get old

Comrade is non inclusive speech.

I love how they can take an actually reasonable request "before we start, let's quiet down all the side conversations so everyone can hear the speaker" and just drown it in self-important cringe.

one day these people will push for the americans with disabilities act to include self-diagnosis

Suifuel for legitimate cripples and retards.

All those foids are going to bring their ADA service cats to nice restaurants to drink chardonnay on the rocks alone

Literally nothing wrong with treating your cats from time to time

Be me, a comrade of the revolution

Life is hard

Walking down the street, cars honking, people talking

Sensory overload, get triggered into a mental breakdown

Standing in line, waiting to get checked out, the cashier refers to the group of people infront of me as guys

Improper labels, get triggered into a mental breakdown

Mom tells me to get a job and get out of her house after 32 years

Responsibility, gets triggered into a mental breakdown

Honestly, does anyone here remember a single thing in their lives that was outside of your control that you found "triggering" and started acting like a toddler about? Lmfao, these people think they're gonna bring about the revolution, imagine these people in a combat engagement.

something outside of your control that was triggering

The only thing that I would consider to be personally "triggering" is when people chew with their mouth open and smack their lips or make other repeated random mouth noises. Drives me into pure psychotic rage if I have to put up with it for too long.

You found my trigger: people chewing like a fucking cow.

Sorry about that. Some food is so fucking scrumptious I don't even know I'm chewing like a fatass cow

Teeth scraping on metal utensils is nails on a chalkboard to me.

does anyone here remember a single thing in their lives that was outside of your control that you found "triggering" and started acting like a toddler about?

Louisiana State University's football, basketball, and baseball programs.

how the fuck do these people get anything done if they care more about their own selfish needs over the needs of the group

They don't get anything done. The DSA is a meme.

This is the correct answer

how the fuck do these people get anything done

they don't

And people unironically see these guys as some sort of violent threat

Don't fuck with me, I have the power of God and anime on my side. she/they.


Her whole thread is fucking hilarious πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I started Orlando DSA in the back of a table top game store


If we had support we couldve been a force to be reckoned with in the south




jesus fuck she's from orlando

the world feels too small

Ikr. Also lmao at thinking orlando isnt just north puerto rico and is actually the β€œsouth”

Point of Privilege, Jesse Jackson he/him


The end of Western society, coming one 23 year old "male" at a time.

TBH, if you're a young guy, these people are really opening up the dating pool. I'm personally very thankful for people like Mr. Jackson over there, because by comparison even my barely masculine ass looks like peak-era Schwarzenneger.


He didn't specify his (?) possessive pronoun.



unironically using comrade

No one will ever take you seriously if you do this

It just sounds so fucking stupid coming from these dorks


I love how fuckin sloppy big red looks and talks. Makes for great material to rile up boomers on fb with.

Why the fuck would you need to announce your gender to ask people to shut up?

Because life has most likely has never given you even a tiny stumble of discomfort that they didnt make up in their head.

because theyre all cis people who use the they pronoun.





Reminds me of Harry Potter and Drumph being like He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named :O

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Reminds me of Harry Potter and being like He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named :O

They are actually a parody of themselves god damn

I cannot believe these people are winning the culture war. It's un fucking real how shitty rightoids are that they can't outmaneuver these people.

I'm have too much pride to get into fights with morons online and it would cut into my squirt bukkake viewing time as well. I'll take the blame.

The D.S.A. is a good example of richfags being degenerate af.

This is what happens when all of the "workers" in the room are actually just sheltered, overeducated, privileged offspring of the upper class who invent problems because they don't have any real ones to deal with, like poverty.

Poor people are too fucking busy trying to scrape by to engage in this retardation.

Ugh personal point of privilidge: your a nazi

Jazz hands give me extreme anxiety. Please include a warning before posting videos of this sort again.

Point of personal privilege:

I want everyone to know haha holy shit that's dysfunctional


This tbh

This is why nazbol is correct. You don't have these insufferable dweebs, but at the same time, you're not letting rich people fuck your spouse.