“Well, it finally happened. Memes are now illegal. The Meme war is no longer a meme, it is reality.“

79  2019-08-04 by Ghdust2


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. “Well, it finally happened. Memes a... - archive.org, archive.today

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I know caring about stuff is for losers, but big tech companies scare me. We kinda eat off the scraps down here, but every time I try and see what social media is like for normal people it just feels more and more like some dystopian advertisement that no one can leave.

the internet is nothing more than a global mind-control network. once you realise that it only exists to alter your perception of the world and beam propaganda directly into your brain, you understand what a colossal mistake it was

uncle ted got it right as ever

Have you read any William Cooper? He was crazy as fuck but I think he was right about the interent. He wrote about it in the 80s and claimed it would be used to breakdown the family unit and isolate people so they're more easily manipulated and controlled.

that sounds like my jam, what's a good place to start

or u can use it to mind control others into liking bussy

the internet turned me gay


I’m fine with Voter ID but let’s give them away for free and give people a paid day off to get it

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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Giving people a day off is retarded idea. Most people would just use that day off to do anything but get a Voter ID.

People abusing or misusing something doesn’t mean it’s bad.

I mean it's not going to work but having an extra day off work sounds great. 🙂

You get more and more faggy every day

I know

At this rate I’ll be a mod in no time 😎

Back to the sick cats your ideas are eghh

Based AF brother.

Based and realitypilled

Not voting is a vote, but you should be absolutely free to make it.

Id like having a day off to vote but that's just because I vote weeks early through mail like any same person where available :)

We should require voter ID, but only give ID to people who own property.


This is how the founding fathers wanted it. I don’t know why we stopped tbh.


They have a lot of property, wouldn't they want it this way?

Blame Andrew Jackson and his eternal resentment that the American aristocracy viewed him as an illiterate hick.

based and gentrypilled

Also make sure women cant do either

Women(male) would be the property

Voter ID but that ID is your driver's license/state ID and also everyone with one is permanently registered to vote

No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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Voter ID but that ID is your driver's license/state ID and also everyone with one is permanently registered to vote. Also, every ele*tion is on Veteran's Day and work on Veteran's Day is illegal

people who think le epic meymeys had any effect in 2016 should be shot

I propose that anyone who uses the word or modern usage of "meme" in a non-scholastic context to be banned from usage of the internet until such time as they can demonstrate an advanced understanding of etymology, linguistics, physics and computer science. And perhaps even basic history and math.

But we're going to need more than "meme" police, we're going to need some form of special forces.

No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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I propose that anyone who uses the word or modern usage of "meme" in a non-scholastic context to be banned from usage of the internet until such time as they can demonstrate an advanced understanding of etymology, linguistics, physics and computer science. And perhaps even basic history and math.

But we're going to need more than "meme" police, we're going to need some form of special forces.

A number of recent shootings and unrest issues are a direct result of idiot children (both legally children and mental children) who were allowed too much unregulated access to the internet and whose "ideology" was based on "memes".

I've only heard of this meme because they banned it. Good job dipshits

It’s really not a new meme


So Twitter is getting rid of accounts that made it worthwhile to visit in the first place? RIP Twitter.

Begun, this meme war has

God bless


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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VoterID memes are retarded and serve no purpose.

Half the people share them "for the lulz" because sharing forwards from grandma is as far as their humor goes, the other half takes them seriously which is retarded on a whole different level.

It's so unfunny, it made me serious post. Fuck you Ghdust2. You made me seethe.

Also: Fuck automod

You're the most unfunny one here. The meme isnt funny in and of itself, the public reaction to it is.

What public reaction. All I see is people fellating themselves over triggered libs.

Then you're simply blind


this dude knows damn well why his stupid meme got banned. people were sharing it with the logo of a real democratic organization on some of them. you aren't allowed to share deceptive voting information on twitter and these guys know that.

Imagine having a controversy over whether you should have to prove that you're a citizen or not before you vote lmao