Grandma cockblocks Texas POC gamer as he rises to the challenge

66  2019-08-04 by UnregulatedPope


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Grandma cockblocks Texas POC gamer ... -,

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Is his name seriously William Williams?


That’s a pretty tame basketball name tbh

It's pronounced Will I Am Will I Ams

They also found a black T-shirt with the words, “Let ’Em Come.”

3 first names. Didn't even stand a chance.

So which vidya did he play before grandma pulled the plug on the computer?

People with three names should be treated as potential assassins/active shooters until proven innocent

The unibrow terrorist.

Anthony Davis has hurt me enough already 😭😭😭

wow nowhere on reddit told me he was a black kid


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Where are all those "la creatura" memes when you need them...

Dios mio...

The ubiquitous bird shaped unibrow.

What an idiot. That's why you always kill your grandmother first.

woah a black guy was planning one this time


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Looks like the Robert guy from the idubbz full force video
