Our very own Anti-tranny grannies figure out what has really been holding women back - The Karen meme

62  2019-08-05 by Llamayoda


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/uj this post is about how /r/drama is now just retards spamming the same shitty memes at each other and then laughing so they can feel like they're part of some super exclusive community. most of the discordcels don't even use the sub anymore bc it's not fun to look at momruepari's latest retarded meme or dumbfucks """ironically""" chasing trappysaruh/whatever other meme tranny happens to be around.

current top post, look at this """drama"""

second one is just "commie mommy did a thing xd"

news articles aren't drama

dude pizzashill lmao


  1. Our very own Anti-tranny grannies f... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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I just typed my question and this seems to answer it! American men are much more misogynistic than UK men, right? I see British men on TV shows interacting with women and it seems much more of an even playing field, not this bizarre "I am a man and that makes me special" attitude that so many American clown males have

Clowns? 🤡 GC confirmed alt-right hate sub.

There's no male version, even though men make spectacularly obnoxious customers.

Yeah, name’s Chad 😎

Or Scumbag Steve.

What year is this?

Are you retarded? It says it right at the bottom right hand corner of your computer screen. Goddamn, you guys.

There's no male version

Yes there is, it's Kyle.

He's the one that punches holes in the dry wall when he loses at forkknife.

And Keith, the balding, croc flip-flops wearing suburnt moid who yells at his family in the middle of DisneyLand.

There is, but since people mock moids all the time, it’s like trying to get a fish to notice water.

I leave copies of instructions on how to make menstrual jars in public restrooms.

I am going to start signing them. As Karen.



Just point out how the meme was coined by the black community to make fun of racist white women and then sit back and enjoy the infighting.

Have you tried not being such a huge cunt to people?

Of course this is haram to them.

Lol, they post this once every couple months

Most people hate white women. Even other white women.

And I bet you can guess how much I care about being hated.

I am a Karen. I am not soft spoken, I stand up for myself and for other women when I see that I can, I will always put any woman in front of any XY. And I wear my Karen purse over my shoulder, where it hangs in front of my body, because I can protect it that way, as I learned when males snatched my purse twice when I was younger.

I am unpopular because I have a fucking opinion and a back bone, and I telegraph that I am not scared.

So yep. I am a Karen. But as far as I am concerned,Karen is the new Spartacus. I will own it. I am charming like that.


ah yes spartacus who led a slave insurrection by loudly complaining to slave owners

On international standardised oppression scoring I come out bottom:

White ✅ Woman ✅ Named Karen ✅ Trans ✅



It's over for Karencels

Wow that sub is almost as pathetic as mgtow virgins.


bunch of karens in that thread