I know it's a "meme" for the kids, but very few people are yet to realize how much "the internet was a mistake". See accompanying text

1  2019-08-05 by The_Great_I_Am_Not

The internet itself is fine. Just like any tool, it's how it's used by those who are trained and skilled enough to use it.

But parents who used "the internet" as a cheap and substitute babysitter for their children for the last couple of generations has been a MAJOR societal mistake.

Everybody wants to blame ruling bodies, gun control laws, etc.....


"The Internet" is a global dynamic library, the likes of which has never happened in human evolution, that many people have in their hands on a smartphone.

And what do the vast majority of the people who have access do with it?

I'm afraid it was introduced to early, and humanity isn't ready for it yet.


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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