Trans Movie set was rough for the bussies, redditors suggest a boycott

35  2019-08-05 by unrulyfarmhand


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This, but unironically.


  1. Trans Movie set was rough for the b... -,,

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makes a perfect sort of sense in 2019, when trans rights in the US are more endangered than ever

Yes in currentYear+4 trans rights are more endangered than ever before

absolute retard

Lol the movie is about a guy who pretends to be trans to trick a lesbian into fuckin him, also people were misgendered on set. Movie sounds hilarious.

people were misgendered on set

Oh no! How many people died from that?


This is some straight up 90s Boomer moral panic. I cannot believe anyone with a functioning brain can think that 2019 in the West is not objectively the best time in human history to be a racial/ethnic/sexual minority


The outrage is coming from trans people because the movie makes it seem like they are deceitful degenerates with no ethics.

Why are troons so obsessed with themselves?