Insta-thot cancelled in AITA when someone literally scooped pennies off her floor after winning the jackpot on an antique slot machine

49  2019-08-05 by sup3r_hero


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Insta-thot cancelled in AITA when s... -,

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I'm lucky enough to have boobs so guys always want to hang out.

Based and thot-pilled

>knew there was $700 in there and left it there for years not planning on taking it out

>I can’t afford to lose it!

Lol ok

Two weeks ago she could afford taking her and her now ex boyfriend on a "vacation."

Well folks it’s beeb fun. I got a VACATION to enjoy and some room keys to change because in the words of El “I dump your ass!” He can figure out his own lodging and way back.

I didn't think there was $700 in it based on the post, sounded more like $20. OP's a flaming narcissist but her friend's a dipshit and the asshole, if this wasn't fake which it very obviously is, "I'm an Instagram influencer" really?


Man, this is an actual good post from there. It's like a unicorn.

Ya and if it’s fake, props to them because it’s actually really original

Example #45089505 of why you shouldn't gamble with women. Also, talk about an absolute retard tier take:

I am assuming that you didn't rack up the $700+ from other peoples' money. If so, then you are running an illegal casino and not only do you owe that guy the $700, but you're also treading thin ice that the cops don't bust down your door.

Yeah she's definitely stocking the slot machine with her own money.


This is such obvious bait

guyz, I'm a girl and I don't need no reddit opinion 😂😂😂😂