attack helicopter Y I K E S Z O I N K S A ROZY in /r/games

34  2019-08-05 by LostMaterial0


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I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


  1. attack helicopter Y I K E S Z O I N... -,,

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Rude but true. 😤😤😤

jesus christ imagine that meme was ever funny let alone still funny

It in and of itself has never been funny. The mayonaise joke was funnier.

However, the reaction it gets has been becoming more and more funny as the years go on. It now provokes a stronger than posting a picture of a cute police puppy on a non-p*litical subreddit or air-dropping a bunch of a bunch of the people who would get mad about that police puppy into an AIPAC convention.

ya i guess but you'd get the same reaction by saying nigger or something

just low hanging fruit

Nah, they have to go into elaborate spergouts about why it's so offensive. Everyone knows why the gaymer word is offensive. Not everyone realizes that an obscure in-joke of *chan/TIA, that leaked out to the greater internet (following the spread of the people it mocked) is literally genocide.

It was funny in 2010 because of the exteme exaggeration. Kind of like spaghetti monster as god.

Using it in 2019 is peak yikes.

It was, but the reaction of those offended was more funny

I don't play video games (I'm an adult man), but I absolutely adore the fact that a huge chunk of these idiots aligned themselves with a certain p0litic@l party over the fact that the companies had the GALL to put women or blacks or w/e in their favorite games.... and now that same p0litic@l party is talking about the violence said games create, and how they need to be regulated.

hate to see it

lol you can't say political party

mods are the big gay


i sincerely dont know what that means, can you help me?





How do you type this retarded shit and not get struck down by our new and improved agenda jannies?

out jannies have been outsourced by automod, these lazy fucks don't even do anything anymore

This is retarded but I have something else about this on my mind... when the fuck did "Attack helicopter" even start being a meme about trannies?

Way back, it was used to make fun of otherkins and furries, they were the ones identifying as crazy shit or wearing weird fursuits, so it made some sense. Nowadays though, almost every time it's used it's to mock trannies or enbies. I just wonder who started it, did dumb rightoids start throwing it around outside its intended meaning, or did trannies think it's about them so they whined about it until DID start being used against them?

Same goes for snowflake tbh, I remember back in late 2000's or early 2010's, it was used (usually as "special snowflake") to describe people who thought they were special for liking or doing pretty mundane things, or to make fun of anyone who looked and acted in a nonconforming way and though they were special because of it. Somewhere along the way though, it changed and now it means sensitive for some reason.

Snally help me out here, you gotta know who was behind the changed meaning of both of those phrases.

when the fuck did "Attack helicopter" even start being a meme about trannies?

When they started making it about themselves so they could be indignant and whine "TRANSPHOBIA!!!!" anytime someone used it. It's like troids can only get their feminine cocks hard if they feel like they're being victimized.

it's about otherkins and it's still really offensive

cry moar, wolf boy



trannies are the biggest attention whores on the planet, they have to make everything about them

At Sone point the trannies decided, that these wormkins, and whatever else there is, are basically trannies.

It makes sense, you have to be really fucked in the head to really think that you are a worm/dragon or wolf. Maybe even one of the 40% Thats enough to get you enlisted in the oppression Olympics.

Back around when TiA was still tolerable, the use of attack helicopter latched on to the intermediate stage between otherkin and trannies: Tumblr gendertrenders. You remember those meme genders made up due to Tumblrtards not being able to determine the difference between gender and attraction? Yeah those. Then the online trans community for some reason decided it was a good idea to actually take said gendertrenders seriously instead of laughing them off like the attention whores they were and thus took the label onto themselves.

Reading this thread makes me wonder how these morons had to described behavior they didn't agree with before the word "toxic" became the go to word.

Icky 😡😔🤯

