Alpha cat singlehandedly destroys entire ecosystem and it takes a huge group of cucks to capture him.

94  2019-08-05 by OversocializationALT


You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. Alpha cat singlehandedly destroys e... -,

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Oh course it's a white cat when will the world learn smh

Another mass killing perpetrated by a white smh

A white invader killing off a native population? No surprises here.

Whats the problem tho?

Mayocide now.

You read the atlantic? Do you drink tea at noon and play bridge with the other korean cat ladies?

Kinda looks like my brother’s cat.



I’m not aussiecel. I’m worse.


Yes 🐵

🤮🤮🤮 Gross dude I was just about to eat

First emus and now cats. Aussies are such pathetic cucks they get BTFO by animals.

Bussies can't handle the pussy. Smh.

*Aussies. The proper term for Australian bussy is aussy.




They're basically bongs so is it any wonder that they're pathetic


Based cat

The absolute state of Atlanticels. Cats kill birds, it's not a crisis

There are millions of feral cats in Australia. Because there are few native predators they absolutely destroy native wildlife when let loose.

It actually is quite a problem, but people actually kicked up a fuss when cat culling was floated.

Fuck cats and the reatrded cunts that let them fuck around doing whatever they want.

Cats are cooler than birds and humans and should be allowed to roam the ruins of a burned-out Australia eating whatever delicious endangered Aussie birds there are.

I was with you until the last sentence. It’s not the fault of the cat that retarded humans introduce them to places

Pussy pass smdh

When will cats start eating aussies

Spill the blood of mouse

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is That Cat Hidin Hahahaha Nigga Just Look Over There It’s White Like Nigga Open Your Eyes Haha


if only i could get his seed to breed my cat with to create an army of eco system destroyers

Can the Australians not even use a pellet or airsoft gun? You don't even need a real gun just badly injure it with enough airsoft shots

C H A D cat

Just need to introduce some based pit bulls to the environment.

Then some concealed carrying burgers on mobility scooters to get rid of the pibbles. Wait, no, you know what, maybe the birds had it coming?


Just shoot the shit you cucks. Is killing a random feral cat that big a deal to South Bongs.

They mention it being neutered but not chipped so I’m thinking maybe they wanted to make sure it’s not someone’s pet before they kill it? Idk if that would lead to a lawsuit or something in Aussieland

cat destroys entire sanctuary of an endangered species

wHaT iF iT's a pEt dOe????

If your psycho pet is driving a species to extinction on its own, the cat should simply be hunted asap and its carcass returned to its owners with a 25k dollar fine.

I am literally on emergency leave right now to tend to my dog who suddenly had severe anemia, paid about 3,000 dollars so far to keep him alive and we still don't know what it is yet and what future treatment would cost. I also live in the Philippines, so so far it's already been worth more than a year of a regular person's salary. If my nibba got shot and killed cause he was close to an endangered bird I would still 100% understand and accept the fact that I fucked up letting him get close or not controlling him or whatever.

Damn, you pinoy or expat?

Live here since I was born, ethnically Chinese though

Australia cucked themselves out of rifles in '96, too bad birdies

Lol, ausfalia couldn't even win a war against emus.

Cats do this everywhere they go, having an outdoor cat is not eco friendly

People who feed feral cats should be fined repeatedly until they stop.