KKK Comes Into Town

30  2019-08-06 by ixDamocles


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  1. KKK Comes Into Town - archive.org, archive.today

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After seeing the flyer this morning, Hopper said she had a panic attack and has been anxious all day. Miller said he was distracted at his job today thinking about the flyer, unable to function.

These fragile mayos sound like they really do need protecting if only there was some kind of citizen group that could fill this need? 🤔🤔🤔

Black Panthers?

No this is a white neighborhood.

Well since the KKK is 99% FBI Agents anyway this may be the best thing that happened to them in a while.

Somebody should do a skit where a bunch of cops raid a Klan meeting and once they do a Klan guy goes "Oh God damn it, Agent Sanders FBI!!!" and pulls out his badge and gun, followed by a guy doing the same from the CIA, then NSA, etc and they start becoming increasingly bizarre. Eventually every single person in the room is revealed to be some sort of undercover law enforcement.

That's because they don't call themselves the KKK anymore. They're now the GOP.

Bravery levels off the charts here

well the mod meetup is going to get eventful this year now that the media has picked up on it

The natural result of leftoid p*litics. Will they double down?