Bring👏back👏 bullying

78  2019-08-06 by Plzbpatienthavetism


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Bring👏back👏 bullying -,

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"Child Chads grow up to be adult Chads"

Really groundbreaking stuff there syrupsuckers way to really move science forward!

Sam Biddle was right. Huh.

I have been an advocate of pro-bullying for a long time and it's not to justify my childhood decisions.


Extra-starched popped collars rise up

Child bullies are sexier

I always suspected the Daily Mail was full of pedophiles.

came here to say this. what in the fuck were they thinking

I imagine they were expectting people to read the rest of the headline, which said "when they grow up". That's a pretty terrible assumption though.

Let's take a look into the mind of a bonger BEEEEDLEEEOOOODDLLEEEDEEE:


I'm a normal British MP

'Concerning': Rob Frenette, co-founder of support group Bullying Canada, disagreed with the findings of the survery and said that most bullies do have some kind of issue that needs to be addressed with help

Somebody got one too many swirlies in middleschool

If he grew up to be such a person of gay perhaps there wasn't enough bullying.

Personally i blame black people

Bully them early, and often

Suddenly I feel less bad about having been a bully at one point in my teenager years. I'd do it all again lol

Yet you post on Reddit 🌝

Ah shit, you got me.

One of the guys who bullied me as a kid is in rehab for his meth addiction, so checkmate.



When will people just admit good looking people is going to have a better life?



So it's not even beginning for uglycels?

Yeah, but most of them take 25+ years to realize that they are not a Chad, anyway.

I hate to say it but without bullying a wouldn't grown into the man I am today.

A dramaposter.

Fuck you chad.

I was bullied and bullied people in different part of high school.

The one I bullied end up killing himself a virgin, and the two I can think of that bullied me were chads. So I am saying from my experience, it fit.

They used Gordon Ramsey as a fucking comp? The dude is an actor! He doesn’t act that way when he’s really working he does that as apart of his show to sell a good story to stupid people who want to be justified that such behavior is effective in today’s working environment. Yelling accomplishes nothing anymore in today’s work model where individuals are very quick and ready to push the lawsuit button.

Unironically this. Bully early, bully often.

Perhaps it's not because people are drawn to bullies, it's people are turned away from people who gets bullied because all the mental traumas made the victims more insufferable than bullies.


I always say that if we bullied incels into suicide, we could nip them at the bud before they drive over people, go on a shooting spree, or cut another cutie's head off.

When I started school my dad told me it's a bit like prison. He said "the first time a kid tries to bully you, spaz out and beat his face in."

It was the first grade, and a fat kid literally tried to take my launch money. Now, I had assumed this was a TV trope of sorts, but here I was, in reality, in an attempted robbery in the 1st grade.

My dads words popped into my head and I just went apeshit on him. beat him over the head with my buzz lightyear binder and then kicked him a bunch when he was on the ground.

He started crying and left, told the teachers. This was a better time, before the schools were hysterical, so all I got was talking to. But you can bet your ass that fat kid never tried to bully me again.


Bullying is essential for quality control.