Terrorists of reddit radicalize another mass shooter

51  2019-08-06 by collectijism


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I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


  1. Terrorists of reddit radicalize ano... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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The facts is, among other obvious facts, that mass shootings are inherently fascist and anyone committing one is a fascist. You cannot be progressive or Antifascist and commit a mass shooting.

Do these people even know what fascist means?

Communists dont kill people they reducate them till they commit suicide. 40%


"Fascist" like "bigot" now means "someone who does something I don't like."

Get used to it this is going as a new definition in the OED this year probably.

This is literally the dumbest take that tardit has ever produced

it mean you are the bad guy! now give cookies

What if it's a mass shooting of fascists tho

That would be indiscriminate violence, reducing us to their level. We can check each one independently.

I'm gonna have to sweaty you right there.

I was reading earlier today that these retards think "fascism" is the concept of "imposing your will forcefully on other people". So a mass shooter cannot be "antifascist" because they are imposing their will forcefully on someone else. Its a real 200 IQ take.

Wait till they tell you science is super important and points to climate change being real and man made. But then also the basis of all social science the longest running studies and most researched topic for 300 years is not sound science and is wrong. We call this the climate change vs iq science quagmire

By that definition virtually every government in existence would be fascist.

yah well trantifa isnt known for their facts and logic

They do believe that though.

Its worldwide communism all at once or nothing at all

this is the same shit christians used to say, whenever somebody bring up shit some priest or church as whole did and was shitty

What exactly do they think they're doing when they take to the street with clubs and bars, or shut down anti progressive speaking events by smashing the place up?

Asking politely for their will be honored?

These are the same people that believe Putins critics conveniently have heart attacks and then fall onto two unfortunately placed bullets that just happened to be on that sidewalk they were walking on.

The kulaks deserved it

It's not murder if they are reactionary scum

Here comes the holocaust deniers oh boy

It was self defence

Fascism is committing mass shootings. The more mass shootings, the more Fascister it is.

Hint: no. Almost nobody, the term is used incorrectly 99% of the time and anyone with a formal educattion on the subject or any expertise is well aware of this.

when there is the first mass shooting in recent history by somebody who claimed to be a leftist, the right wants to politicize it. Now, there are no claims of it being a false flag. For some reason, their logic goes completely out the window, just because they can’t identify with the perpetrator, a white male, or because they can’t identify with their radical white extremist ideology.

The truth is, there are many excuses that could be made for this sort of behavior.

Gotta love when communists write long diatribes about nothing with zero thread of logic to follow

Fash have tried to infiltrate Antifascist circles since we started this. If the Dayton fascist wasn't a plant (which I'm inclined to believe he was) then he was a fascist attempting to infiltrate our ranks for nefarious deeds. Further example as to why we need to be aware of who we talk to and interact with and constantly be on the lookout for hidden fash.

Basically everyone who claims that other people are plants are more than likely plants themsleves

Hold up lol, they criticize rightoids for being conspiracy loonies the say the Dayton shooter could’ve been a plant because “leftists didndo nuffin”???

The rightoids think the el paso shooter was an undercover communist.

If you found that comment in the post instead of from the OP you would see its heavily downvoted with people telling him he is being ridiculous.

What the op is trying to say is that mass shootings are a fascist action, even in the case of the Dayton shooter. I understand that you don't agree with that take.

But please remember this is not a debate sub.

Imagine replacing cops and society of laws and science with these wing nut psychos that will literally gulag you for not smiling wide enough when they pack your mind full of literal feces

What happened to all the baseball flairs?

Why are you commenting so much on your own post? It comes across as really sad and agendapost-y.

Are you ok? You not taking your hrt anymore?

Are you trying to hit on me with this? I need to brush up on this shit you zoomer's and your odd mating rituals are so strange.

Imagine being old and still a stupid leftist. After 65 we might consider not letting you vote anymore theirs already too many of you

Do I need to download an app or something to swap dick picks? Do you still use snapchat or is there a newer app you kids use?

How many threads do i need to reply to you? Was it the boomer leftist comment that triggered you? Did the hippie parties of the 70s leave you with stds and a corporate controlled country? Did the jews play you like a fiddle why you so mad?

Are we sharing bussy pics or what?

Now were getting down to the good stuff angry clinched assholes

No one:

Dramacel: trannies reeeeeee

he's one of the bigger agendaposters we have on the site, although it doesn't show because he's fundamentally too incompetent to development a coherent single agenda.

he's like pizzashill but with even more severe ADD and he's only 20% as obnoxiously verbose.

I'm all for agendapostercels but they don't need to be so goddamn pitiful about it.

I've always been of the opinion that you should try to be either funny or insightful, or both if you can.

the worst are the ones who aren't even attempting to be funny and also just parrot the lazy ignant shit they see upvoted in other threads

I'm all for spergs doing sperg shit and vomit-commenting but this dude is just so transparently trying to push the comments one direction which is pitiful. He just needs to do better and be a better agendaposter. Pizzashill is a fourth-quartile autist but fuck if he's not entertaining to watch. This guy needs more technique.

Alot of people mad in here about this terrorist ruining their only supposed redeamable human quality now linking them to literal psychos.

Legit question are you a foreigner and/or off your meds? Because you're typing like how schizos talk.

Oh the ol off your meds joke when someone is creative. Back in line sheep maybe you sit this one out and lurk like the other 99% of boring bannedcells. Your next you fucking epic le cuck

Oh so you're ESL then? It makes sense that a foreigner like you would have such retarded takes and terrible sentence structure. You should probably go back to wherever you came from where people talk in whatever ass-backwards language that your syphilitic mother taught you because your ability to communicate in written English is lacking.

Your contradicting your own principles. Just back up take a couple breaths and take some more hrt. Youll be ok.


So you ARE off your meds? Or you're high? I'm not sure what principles you're saying I'm contradicting unless you're currently chewing fentanyl patches, which would explain a lot.

Imagine using opiods without a needle. Pussy as bitches its like a housewife that eats weed. Do it right or dont do it at all

So you're high on heroin right now?

Heads up being a junkie doesn't automatically make you a talented artist. Usually is just makes you a junkie waste of space.

Oh so you do disagree with your own unpopular opinion when it suits your narrative huh? You sound like a leftist. You rape any babies for the lolz today like the communist leader of rick and morty?


Its because he is a agenda ridden serious-poster, gods damn him

The worst part is he's not even good at it.

The king does not concern himself with the winds of passion that drive the peasant this way or that way. For the king is the one blowing the wind.


You get pinkeye from my fart joke? You stupid peasant where goggles when its windy out next time

Ohhhh you're a currycel! It makes so much sense.

Yes yes use the force to predict the race of your enemy. Yes yes feel the power of the darkside consume you. Yes yes pigeonhole your enemy so your feeble hate ridden mind can understand why your losing. Yes yes

I'm just trying to find an excuse for why you are the way you are before jumping straight to Terminal Sperg but I guess I've been wasting my time.

Once again the peasant mind has noth understand the mind of the ruling elites. This is why you refer to us as lizard people because your tiny mind cant comprehend this level of chess. Its ok. *pats head

Ur dum

Ur fat

Ur mum

Ur dad

Fuck, you win

Yeah the guy agenda posts like crazy, and it’s usually shit drama so no one really notices it anyways.

He got so assblasted when I called him out on a personal army request he did a couple days ago, even had an alt sperging too.

He got so assblasted when I called him out on a personal army request he did a couple days ago

Link? That sounds hilarious.

It was a decent spergout.

Its like a 6/10 lets be honest here

So close to sentience, just a hair away

Almost like attempting to push political violence to stop fascism ends up causing fascism like in 30s germany. Thank god history is banned otherwise we might repeat it

Bruh I don’t even know how to explain how much I don’t agree with you without serious posting

Imagine having principles and still being a leftist



Its like being the only one not wearing depends at the ol folks home. It already smells like shit in here

Look at this guy, he thinks leftists are actually real hahaha, bet he believes in the tooth fairy too

If were in a simulation reality must be really boring. Like just dead space sort of like the synapses trying to find a home in the broken empty mind full of 2d weeb porn that fills the average lowtier foid with a karen haircuts brain

Fucking ask a leftist who they consider a leftist, then ask a second one. Leftists aren’t real

Its like the spiderman meme hes even wearing red

Whos gonna join me in the communists lie to you about their intention for hegemonic worldwide slavery q and a?

I have the first question no answer yet.

The link is in the thread discolemonade is ninth level dungeon master of rape and murder

wasnt the mall shooter a closeted commie though....

Ugh are you saying the s in nazi stands for socialism? Well ill have you know their is no s in nazi.

The Night of the Long Knives was literally a purge of all socialist and leftist members of the Nazi party after Hitler came to power. Some were imprisoned but many were killed. The Nazi party used socialist rhetoric to gain power and then killed all their leftists. The nazis were not socialist in their ruling.

Nice so your saying anyone like some coked out rich kids and call themselves socialist and become millionares doing it? But not actually be socialist? Sort of like communism too huh? Almost like giving power to governments who call themselves for the people backfires everytime. Maybe we should vote conservative and for smaller government? Huh

For all the lip service conservatives pay to small government they sure seem to fall all over themselves supporting the most intrusive, oppressive, and violent powers if the government. Such as, mandatory minimums on non-violent crimes, punitive incarceration instead of rehabilitory, militarization of the borders, expanding prisons, running concentration camps, arming the police with military surplus, expanding the military, etc. There should be more important issues to "small government" then just letting corporations abuse the planet and its workers and letting people be mean to gays.

Got a little serious there randy. Quarantine got you down?

The mall shooter has a manifesto calling immigrants an invasion and stating that the mexicans "will not replace us." He's a far right white ethnostate guy, not a commie.

You and the entire ip range of india should be banned

Yeah india hates jews too much

I'd say we should let the Pakis genocide them but then we'd have too many Islamocurries everywhere. The real solution is for them to off each other and let the rest of the world go on without them.

Imagine thinking pakis and bengis could win against Superpower by 2020 *nd*a