r/holdmyfeedingtube mods apologize for banning mayos and blame a single rouge mod. Users don’t believe it and accuse them of being anti-mayo. (half hour ago)

129  2019-08-07 by Slump_o


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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. r/holdmyfeedingtube mods apologize ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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fuck mayos

User reports

1: It's targeted harassment at someone els

Mayos mad lmao

x 24

Edit: It looks like Wagler has been removing comments on here too. I've removed all his moderator privileges and placed him on probation until we can figure out whats going on. Thanks to those of you who have replied civilly and provided good information.

💃 mayos mad 🕺



Have sex with mayo women but only if you're a poc

this should be mandatory

It was, once 😒


My inner D&D nerd had an eye twitch at that

le mod rouge

which one is red in french i forgot


better rouge than bouge

Lol look at all those fragile mayos seething and coming up with conspiracy theories

A lot of m*yo cope and seething in that thread it's honestly so disgusting 🤢🤮

What a limp-wristed milquetoast mayo-apologist response. "ohhh we so sowwy". Just grow a pair and tell your titty baby users to learn to take a joke and then go back to mayo-based discrimination. All jannies are pathetic, but some are more pathetic than others.

You know what's worse than a mayo? A self-loathing mayo.

Still better than a fragile mayo

God I hate white people. Unironically




wew, that was close!

Reds hate whites

I would too if I was a Casino-American.

What's really weird is that /r/holdmyfeedingtube showed up on /r/all for this thread right before all this drama started happening

Mayos gonna may

Hoes mad

"fake ban messages"? they got banned doe

they got off easy

Wait so the bannings themselves were a false flag to gain karma on WatchRedditDie, and then there was an unrelated mod going anti-mayo to the shitstorm from the false flag?

This is some prime INTERNET-y drama.

what is mayo?

name for a wh*te “person”

commence le mayocide