Daddy's loudest dog whistle yet, lowering the flag to half mast on 8/8 to "press f" for his fallen nazi soldiers

50  2019-08-07 by Iowa_Hawkeye


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Daddy's loudest dog whistle yet, lo... -,

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Daddy T was Hot Wheels all along

Our friends in /r/politics are somewhat split, cheeto hitler is out to a strong start, dementia daddy isn't trailing too far behind, ddf has not been called into action yet.

The use of the 14/88 symbolism when talking about immigrants seems to be a running theme in this administration.

Federal agency says it lost track of 1,488 migrant children

Homeland Security Headline Appears to Mimic ’14-Words’ Neo-Nazi Slogan

I didn't know about these. Unfathomably based.

/pol/ is everywhere lol

$14.88 is a common pricing at the Walmart near me. I think JonTron got criticism for appearing next to one of probably hundreds of large signs in that Walmart that proudly display $14.88

not screaming hail Walmart and doing a Roman salute when you see that crock pot is under 15 dollars finally

What is this country coming to?

Isn’t homeland security/border patrol like 80% nacos?

Based and Redpilled

These “dog whistles” are getting out of control, it’s almost as if the media is reading too deeply into these things. Like Manson listening to helter skelter or Q boomers skimming 8chan, but these are some of the smartest/ in touch people around, so surely this is a call to all Neo nazis.

I didn’t think it would be possible to top Michelle Obama is a man, but They may do it.

Either way this shit is fucking terrifying. Fucking Pam in accounting is wondering why on the 14th you are asking for the expense report from 8/8.

Meanwhile, joe in the mail room overhears you tell your coworker “we just got to trust the plan” when discussing the new merger.

It’s literally getting insane.

Ya b/t Q and the Russia truthers, I can’t even anymore

Tbh, I don't think it's too crazy if you listen to what he said. He basically made the case that this obviously isn't an intentional signal by daddy but that white supremacists may see it as one because they're retarded.

I never browsed places like 8chan because I'm:

A. Not autistic and therefore unable to cope with chansites dogshit layout

B. Not retarded to browse 8chan even if I was an aspie

But I doubt they're operating at a higher level than Qultists

14th upvote btw ;)

He also baby talks, so many dogwhistles, or hes having a stroke it could be either.




Barbara Bush got 1 week of half-mast when she died of natural causes after a long life.

She got me one week at half-mast after she died as well.