Cat lover lives are human lives

13  2019-08-07 by OversocializationALT


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Cat lover lives are human lives -,

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This is gonna be you if you don’t stop drimking so much.

the cops will have to rip my kitty food out of my cold dead hands

More like rip the cats off your cold dead face. They eat your corpse when you die alone

Well yeah I don’t want them to starve just because I die

You have to think how often a meals on wheels person will come to visit. If you die after he leaves say choking on a green bean then what? Your cats cant eat for a week? You start looking better and better

Looking forward to next month when she refuses to comply with the court yet another time and they actually jail her

let's do an armed resistance like those old white rightoids do

all cat lovers with guns send me a dm

Heh, in Garfield Heights. We truely are in a simulation.