If only there was a rhyme applicable for this situation.

22  2019-08-07 by JohnWoo4


On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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why don't the dummies just put a star wars skin in fortnite to ignite interest from zoomers

Star Wars probably isn't relevant enough to be in Fortnite lol.

Is there a Harambe skin?

How does “Get Woke Go Broke” apply to Star Wars? Marvel movies are just as woke maybe even more woke than Star Wars and made by the same company but Zoomers eat that shit up. Maybe Zoomers just don’t like Star Wars.

I think that Marvel has an appeal to the general public whereas Star Wars is more appealing to diehard fans, thus the Marvel fans don't care about the wokeness being introduced but the Star Wars fans take their canon much more seriously.

I think that since the original Star Wars movies are much more popular than comic books Star Wars fans are much more sensitive to wokeness than Marvel fans. Most Marvel fans probably don't even know that Nick Fury was white in the original comics.

I only knew he was white because I played Ultimate Alliance as a kid


Pro-reg or anti-reg?

Ultimate Alliance 2


I meant the superior Ultimate Alliamce 1

didn't 3 just come out or something

Nick Fury is the PG-13 version of the character Samuel Jackson plays in every movie he's in, who has always been black. Whoever he was in the comics doesn't matter because it's not remotely the same character

That's exactly my point. The comics have very little impact on the movies, unlike the old Star Wars movies, which have a major impact on the new movies. That's the big difference between the two series' in my opinion.

Because Xoomers don't go to the movies anymore