I may or may not have stalked some users in the past. Im getting me too’d by Reddit.

79  2019-08-07 by MzCherryBlossom


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. I may or may not have stalked some ... - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

I am going to make an account called Spectre_Of_Mayocide and follow some whiteoids.

According to 23 and Me I’m 100%. I so wanted to be a muggle.

Bongs can't be Mayo's because they're not people

True. What’s your hot take on the Scottish and Irish?

Like I said, bongs aren't people

I agreed with you. Bongs are a device for getting wasted.

Obligatory anglos aren't white.

They aren't. Neither are the slavs, the germans, the nords, the Iberians, the Italians or the.....

Probably gonna see some good content on TopMinds by insane conspiracy theorists who follow people who shit on their lizardman theories for when they slip up and reveal their shillary ties.

Ah, so good drama might happen with the site wide unveiling.

yeah sadly since it was announced many may turn it off, if they did it without telling anyone we would have got some great drama.

This is Obummers fault


He would’ve.

What's worse: Reddit turning into Facebook, or Reddit turning into Twitter?

Both for sure

Is this going to turn into a myspace situation where people get super insecure over who's friends with them and friend counts and shit? God I hope so

I'm going to create so many alt accounts and have so many reddit friends.

if we don’t get a MySpace effort post st some point I’m going to be disappointed. We should have never traded it for Facebook and Instagram tbqh.

Friendster cries alone and forgotten

It'd be hard to do a myspace effortpost unless you're talking about all of the reasons why the platform was a recipe for drama. Actually, that's a good idea for a post

Fingers crossed.

I can't wait for belle Aryan to see her 100k strong fanclub 🙂

The meltdowns from this could be epic.