"If Trump is responsible for El Paso, Democrats are responsible for Dayton," Washington Post's comments section erupt in flames.

24  2019-08-08 by VeryMuchDownbeat


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. "If Trump is responsible for El Pas... - archive.org, archive.today

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Killing people is bad??? Is this the soy era? These people need to learn a thing or two from Taliban and ISIS. In the name of radical centrism I claim responsibility for all shootings. People will fear us and respect us while looking to us to lead them.

>speechwriter for bush and Fox News contributor

Yeah, but still. Hoes mad.

His articles have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, National Review, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Weekly Standard, USA Today, and other publications. He has also appeared on Fox News, CNN, NPR, and other media outlets.

Way to cherrypick you school shooter

>rightoid writes articles for a bunch of places that are at most center right

Hurr durr centrist

🏫 💥 🔫 🍔

His articles have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, National Review, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Weekly Standard, USA Today, and other publications. He has also appeared on Fox News, CNN, NPR, and other media outlets.

Wow I can't believe that you pretended like this wasn't a thing. Nice agenda posting retard

I didn’t pretend anything faggot

Beto's speech was one of the dumbest things i've ever seen, no wonder Ted Cruz beat him

It's hard to even talk with people who agree with him or other people using events to score petty political points when people aren't even buried yet.

Ummm Mods!?

Personal point of privilege but can we not let dramanauts link to things I need to pay to read as I feel this is poor shaming me and classist?

You can click the archive links in the thread for free or disable the pop up on their site.

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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But what about phone?!

Holy Shit, Batman, that's a lot of fucking C O P E.