Finally, a progressive way to put foids in their place

126  2019-08-08 by Osterion


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You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. Finally, a progressive way to put f... -,,

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>I'd punch so many nazis if I was strong enough to defend myself.


At least he's being honest.

Also two things:

1.Whats a deadname?

  1. What % of them are we going to see the in the future, if they can't handle insults?

Their deadname is their birthname. In many cases its still their legal name as well, because they hardly ever get it changed it for some reason

Because they are useless, incompetent, and frivolous obv

It's cuz changing your name costs like $200 and they're too poor 🤣

My brother changed his name, when you have actually agency apparently it’s just some forms and shit he said it wasn’t even really a hassle lol

Why'd your brother change his name? 😸

Spelling, everyone spelt it 1’way and it just annoyed him so he was like fuck it. It was actually super alpha when I think about it

Real Question is, why haven't you changed your name yet? Don't let your brother take all the spotlight.

I like my name. Only 1 other guy in my giant school had my name and he unfortunately was fat so I was just cope he was fat cope 😂

How is it super alpha to go out of your way to legally change your name to appease others who are spelling it wrong? That's practically omega tier.

He didn’t want the name, was named by our mom he hates(dad raised us) and he changed it to what he always wanted and what everyone assume.

Don’t ever talk to me or my brothers name change like that again

The money dude. It's the money.

It is the power word of a tranny.

Damn does any woman wanna come deadname someone next to me

A chance to defend milady

Normally I don't approve of violence, but this is the best thing I've ever heard. You've got a good friend, there. Hug or high five them for me next time you see them.

Lol this is such a petty thing to get violent over. Imagine having such little self control.

That's a average grown up mentally stable individual for you. 😎


my co-worker corrected a customer for me once since they knew being misgendered bothers me so much. Of course, the customer then responded, "Whatever... who can even tell anymore?" But it's awesome having friends who have your back.

Based socially-apathetic boomer customer

This is why Amazon is winning

Clicked on their profile and it's just a dude in a dress. I think the boomer was being polite, no one would ever confuse him for a woman

This is reaching a point of ridiculousness that I don't think we will ever recover from.

I'm getting really tired of this shit. What's with this absolutely insane push that there is an inexplicable mental illness whose only cure is to dress like an idiot and eventually mutilate your genitals into a horrendous gash. What the fuck. It doesn't add up. It doesn't make any fucking sense. Every other delusional mental illness is treated as a delusion by mental professionals, but the second you're born in the wrong body mental professionals deem you have to bend over backwards to fulfill those delusions in order to attain happiness? What? What the fuck? Not only that, its something that's currently being sold to young, depressed and often autistic children as the solution to their unhappiness, when it very clearly isn't. Nobody's going to be happier in the long term that their penis is an unfeeling wound that spits hairball and needs to be kept from healing.

I'm horrified with societies current insanity right now and I don't see it getting better.

The thing that i cant wait to see unfold is to see all these pubescent kids on HRT or some other hormone-boggling drugs (that they take during the time when their body would naturally going haywire hormonally, what could go wrong?) grow up and attempt to be contributing members of society. Shits gonna be so much fun


Gender accelerationism is the only answer


it's all so tiresome

Lmao you weren't kidding.

What do you mean "who can even tell anymore"??? You'd have to be intentionally obtuse to see xir as anything but a woman

Clearly it was an intentional hatecrime, thereby justifying any future punching

Looks like a younger Bill Murray photoshopped into a dress

Looks like Vigo the Carpathian

What I really do not understand:

These people claim that they suffer extreme depressions due to not having the body of a woman. They want others to go out of their way to pretend that she is a woman. They say they would give anything to be a woman.

But at the same time, they can't even be bothered to put the fork down and wash their hair and get an actual haircut.

I am not a feminine man at all, but I think I would only need two days to learn the basics of make up, buy a wig (because I can't grow long hair in two days) and female clothes that look at least okayish, with the results that I would look more like a woman than he does.

  1. Gender norms are bad, and expecting women to embody solely feminine traits is sexist

  2. Womanhood is inherent, and unaffected by appearance / behaviour

  3. Transwomen are women

  4. Carving out special exemptions for transwomen invalidates them, because there should be no distinction between transwomen and women

This puts transwomen in a very fun spot; they may either align with established feminist ideology and refuse to wear dresses/makeup/long hair, and risk being misgendered by people who literally see no indication of what gender the person is, or abide by stereotypes targeted at women, thereby indirectly promoting misogyny

This almost feels like a seriouspost, but I don't even know if many people can take any of this seriously

TERFS are true feminists, intersectional feminists are really just socialists that like whoever is currently winning the oppression olympics.

Tradwives are the most stable and happiest in my experience, TERFS are better off then them (they just seem to like weak men), and then intersectional feminists are usually just neurotic balls of anxiety and anger.

Those things require effort, exerting effort is oppression. The only way to avoid oppression is for all of society to cater to my desires without requiring any effort on my part.


The HRT made him look more masqueline.

The only part about tranners I respect is their hatred of women.

They hate em cuz they ain’t em

Wing Tsun or Aikido.

It’s pretty funny that the only two martial arts they suggested are probably the least effective in an actual fight.

Hey, fuck you. Steven Segal is a martial art god.

Aikido takes a long time to "get", to understand well enough to use improvisationally in a street fight, which is why it's not considered an effective combat art. It's powerful, but not in the time frame most of the people googling "self defense class" are thinking of.

Also Segal is 6'mean", he'd be effective doing almost anything

he's insanely effective at eating huge piles of cheeseburgers

He was born in '52. We should be pleased to look so good when 68 years old.

apologies, did not realize i was speaking to a Seagalogist

Your apology is accepted. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to screen Under Siege again.

They even train in meme self defense wtf

Fuck you I'm a Toribash aikido black belt. I can rangdoll flail you to death any day. In Toribash.

Up voted because Toribash is the whip.

Literally yikes.

Imagine if this was a bunch of dudes casually cheering about hitting women. It would be quite disturbing and incel-like.


Did you click on the link?

Imagine if this was a bunch of dudes casually cheering about hitting women.

I think you do not have to imagine this.

This is a bunch of dudes casually cheering about hitting women.

Everyone who's saying "I don't condone violence." This wasn't violence. This was defense.

There's a difference.


I feel like this is sort of an “is it bad to punch a nazi in the face” type of situation.

Hot take right here!

Mentioning that somebody changed their name is just as bad as literally supporting a genocide.

A hate crime is a hate crime, regardless of context. Besides, trans people are way more marginalised than jews ever were 😤😤

These to things are basically the same.

Don't worry. They'll never know this story. They don't need to. They just make things up. They kill us.

You realize that? I got away twice. I was lucky. Hundreds aren't. Un twist your panties. Was the name calling worth it?

I'm a vacuum? No. Irl. Yes. Because you can't take the risk of someone more violent using it.

Suggestions that we should are violence encouraging.

Blessed schizoposter.

Dude punches girl in the face epic style

Girl, I'm 6ft tall and built like a fucking linebacker.

Lmao, yeah dude, we know. And they get bussy blasted when people don't immediately call them "she"

6ft tall and built like a fucking linebacker

So ladylike

self 👏 defence 👏 is 👏 not 👏 violence 👏

There is no fouler place than a tranny mind


These people are fucking insane. It's fortunate that the hormone blockers make their bones so brittle and their muscles so weak, or else they'd cause trouble everywhere.

Normally I don't approve of violence, but this is the best thing I've ever heard. You've got a good friend, there. Hug or high five them for me next time you see them.

Normally I don't approve of violence, but I'll make an exception in the case of slight social inconvenience. Troids smdh

I cast power word Kevin.

Everyone who's saying "I don't condone violence." This wasn't violence. This was defense.

Good to know that hitting a woman in the face doesn't constitute violence if it's for a """good reason""".
