Woketards triggered over the proper use of emojis and make very sad attempts to roast the white supremacists

34  2019-08-08 by Corporal-Hicks


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You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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The nuts thing is that in real life (aka not reddit or twitter) brown people are usually the ones making dumb race jokes. Only chronically woke oppreshun-olympians and mayo net warriors are legit getting offended by this shit.

in real life (aka not reddit or twitter) brown people are usually the ones making dumb race jokes

if, "if they can say, why can't I say it?" is Coke, this sentence is Diet Coke

Aren't you from Houston? Did you not have any Mexican friends when you lived there? I guess you just didn't live in any of those neighborhoods huh? Just stayed in your mayo enclave in the Heights, only talked to brown people when you ordered tacos.

of course I had and still have mexican friends, they all called each other wetbacks and beaners and stuff. sort of like how foids call each other, "bitch" for a giggle.

I never participated because context is something that exists when you interact with human beings away from www.reddit.com/r/drama

of course I had and still have mexican friends, they all called each other wetbacks and beaners and stuff.

So...you admit what I'm saying is true? Your point here being that because you think I'm white, I shouldn't be pointing out that brown people like racist jokes too? Or is it that because you were never comfortable enough with them to make jokes about illegals so you don't think other people should either?

"If I can't have fun no one is allowed to!!!" - Swamp Man

no dipshit, I'm saying that just because mexicans or any other race call each other slurs as a term of endearment, doesn't mean that, "only woke net warriors get offended."

if you don't believe me, take your mayonnaise-ass down to the barrio and start saying, "YO WHADDUP MY BORDER BUNNIES, ANY OF YOU TACO JOCKEYS WANNA GO ROB A LICKER STORE MANG??".

you were never comfortable enough with them to make jokes about illegals


mayo net warriors


Hey man it's okay you're offended on behalf of brown people but no one needs your help okay?

>"only white sjw's get offended when I call mexicans wetbacks and spics"

how do you people continue to get dumber every day? goddamn I hate this sub

"only white sjw's get offended when I call mexicans wetbacks and spics"

It's more "white people tend to feel that it's their job to protect people of color online because they implicitly believe that PoCs can't defend themselves and that they, the majority race, must step in to stop people from offending people who weren't offended in the first place"

Chill out dude it's a post about people getting butthurt about repeating a bad joke in a sub called /r/holup.

getting mad at white people so brown people dont have to

keep up the good work

that's quite the accusation from a guy who screeches in horror and launches his tendies across the basement every time an sjw uses the term, "he/she or he/him"

no u + tendies

Doesnt middle school start back up next week

no u + tendies

once again, look in the mirror. on a sub full of unoriginal try-hard edgelords, you somehow stand out for all those qualities.

now do, 'cope' you fucking noodle-brained retard.

caring this much










Yeah me too. I had lots of black friends and Mexican friends IRL, but I never knew whether to upvote them out of pity, or to downvotes them to respect their inherent superior strength ☚ī¸

So now I just go to the mosque.


guild them as a form of reparations you fuck

I'm going to thank ye for thine blessed advice kind gentle'xir. Inshallah.


👱đŸģ‍♂ī¸đŸ˜­ 👨đŸŋ👀👄👱đŸŧ‍♀ī¸


I despise the fact I could follow the plot

I think we should just leave the site at this point




we in society in this bitch uh

Chapter 2 when?

> it's a, "corporal hicks complains about the sjw boogeyman again" episode


stop liking what i dont like!

bro you just posted cringe

you are going to loose subscriber

Cope diem