/r/canada's favourite ideologue janny (OrzBlueFog) locks and sanitizes a thread about balls-waxing trans activist Jessica Yaniv, but Removeddit remembers!

53  2019-08-08 by BernieSandorsClegane


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. /r/canada's favourite ideologue jan... - archive.org, archive.today

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For those who aren't familiar, OrzBlueFog is a hardcore SJW janny, who spends countless hours every day making sure /r/canada doesn't think for itself.

Sounds like a run of the mill school teacher.

There was a dude the other day, a teacher, on /r/Ontario who shared a story about a kid in class who was under impression that educational system is there to foster critical thinking. Long story short, after the kid said something that could be interpreted as conservative thought, here's what happened

One of my grade 9 students (clearly from a very conservative family) had a point to make during our discussion about fairness and social justice, and it was generally a very libertarian / conservative point - we're entitled to all the fruits of our own labour, people need to work harder, etc.

All the other kids jumped down his throat (which secretly filled me with glee). I kept them at bay, however, and let him explore what he believed in the context of the discussion. We talked about some of the possible pros of that belief system and why he thought they might have been "better" (weightier, perhaps) than the pros of the more socially-inclined one.

I can almost 100% guarantee you that a classroom wouldn't have gotten that kind of a treatment from the other side.

Later, he redundantly confirmed his "credentials"

I teach high school, chiefly English lit (but I also have a background in social science and philosophy). :)

*** sauce

Tbf that’s relatively sane for r/Ontario.

What the fuck, being entitled to the fruits of your labor is literally socialism 101, not conservative in the slightest. What the hell is going on in canada

The kid was probably actually complaining about taxes.

That would make more sense

What the hell is going on in canada

conservative minded Nazi nucks ascendant

being entitled to the fruits of your labor is literally socialism 101,

l m a o this is peak 2019

And then they act surprised when a real blue collar worker sides with the "Nazis" to protect his union benefits instead of some journalist's quest for state mandated tranny pronouns.

What the hell is going on in canada

Reckless faggotry

"Canadian teacher" has to be the most repulsive description of a human that I can imagine.

Wasn't there an issue in the last few years that /r/Canada mods had gone right to alt-right?

Did that get corrected / over-corrected.


Here's roughly what happened: There was a mod who said in a mod forum that all the enforced White Guilt was forcing him into the "white nationalism" corner. One of the other mods pointed out what that really entails, so the first mod retracted the statement, and said that not what he actually meant. It was too late though, so when the forum logs were leaked, that mod was branded a "white supremacist". The mods of /r/canada stood by the mod who made the statement, which led some people to claim that it's a white supremacist subreddit.

So was it all bullshit?

There was quite a lot of talk of it becoming the moose version of The_donald and they made an alt. canada subreddit. Was the sub right-leaning?

The sub does suffer from some Russian trolls and T_D imports, but it's mostly fair representative of Canada in general. Some people don't like the fact that all the users of /r/canada aren't in favour of open borders, so they went off and founded /r/onguardforthee, which is an unabashedly SJW subreddit. The rightoids have /r/metacanada, which is the Canuck T_D, but even lamer.

He may be responsible for a bit of turn coming up.

As per this article

Feds advised to focus on the majority to counter populism


polarization of opinion can cause some to become resentful of minority groups perceived to be getting special benefits, such as housing or social assistance, at others’ expense. These sentiments are most common among a majority of people who fit into a “middle group” category, marked by moderate views between the extremes of “cosmopolitans with open values” and “nationalists with closed values.”

I call that a win for Canadian centrists.

man canadians are so fucking lame lol. thats what u get for being dollar store america
