Hostages Trapped Inside Walmart Insisting They Never Shop At Walmart

119  2019-08-08 by caliberoverreaching


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. Hostages Trapped Inside Walmart Ins... -,

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The funniest part of this video is the idea that shooters would take hostages. That's so 1994.

This video is ten years old. You can tell because The Onion's actually funny

They used to be so incredibly good 10 years ago. Now they are just a sad shell. They actively hide their old stuff too, just try and find old issues on their site now. Real shame.


“H-hey guys, the onion isn’t f-funny ya’know.”

Did I say it wasn't funny? I just said it was better before. They had more editorials, more special editions, their youtube videos were top notch, even their web series like porking it and sex house were great. Now they just make like 3 articles a week and most are kinda lame. At least Kelly is still around.

Based and bothsides pilled

Even better 20 years ago. sip You can still find at least some of their articles like this if you know what to search for, but yeah, I think they really do try to hide the actually funny stuff so that you don't see how bad it's gotten in comparison.

i miss that bald bearded guy

Brazil constantly gets snubbed at the Ass Fest