Everyone on this sub

465  2019-08-08 by richiyG123


being historically illiterate

Fucking pathetic. This kid did nothing wrong.

since the kaiser was an autocratic monarch and monarchy is fascism, i'd say the kid did nothing RIGHT. but I guess you're a nazi drumpf supporter yourself so there's no point trying to debate you 🙄🙄

I don’t support ZOGnald drumpf because he isn’t hitler

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh actually he is worse

I don't support democrald glumph because he isn't even a monarch, ugh.

Support our god emperor

Praise Ji Xinping.

At least there's no white supremacist in HIS country, lol.

Lol they show up, look around - "wait a second, woke is bullshit!" Everyone gasps in horror and confusion, no one is sure what to do so they try to ignore it. How could a pee oh see not see how evil the white man is?

That's because the anti-western cosplay guy is mainstream there.

Long live Pooh!!

since the kaiser was an autocratic monarch

As if the Kaiser would not get 100% of the female vote anyway. He was a giga Chad.


If you think he is not hot, you are probably attracted to foids, loser!

Mangled arms are your fetish?

Volcel if you would not let him fist you.

I have more fantasies about his pickelhaube tbh


Yeah but look at that chunky fat fuck. You know he's going to do something wrong soon enough.

Also Imagine not wanting to fight the Kaiser and his Hun menace.

I’m on board for the first one, you couldn’t pay me to fight for any side in ww1.



I would join as a trench. Fill me up daddy.

Both fortunately, and unfortunately I’m straight. Fortunately because I like my bussy virginity on lock. Unfortunately because I haven’t died of aids

You lost me at ortunately

Yeah, I'm actually with you on the not wanting to fight in WWI. Although Hun killing does sound like fun.

I'd fight on Japan's side, their war experience amounted to escorting out what scant troops Germany had in all their Asian territory and then fucking dusky women across Micronesia.

Done it twice, even came in one in my car in my garage. I don’t see the appeal. Her eyes were deader than mine somehow.

Stop raping them then dude, they don't go dead-eyed if they're enjoying it.

Join the Bolos in Geneva

germany was based during wwi

How many school shooters are fatties?

I’ll wait.

It's tough holding up and aiming a gun after having to lug it a couple hundred feet from your car and probably up some stairs.

And just look at him. This kid doesn't have the balls or the access to guns to shoot up a school. He's more likely to make some thinly veiled racist remark in class and then get sent to the principal's office. Then he'll huff and puff and write a long internet post about how he wasn't allowed to debate anybody.

and just look at him.

Ew, I’d rather not

You may not like it but but that is what peak autism looks like.

No. No, take it away. I’ve seen enough, you win.

Krauts win the Great War

No Weimar decadence, Hitler stays in art school

No Holocaust

Wow, that's pretty anti-Semitic dude

tbf, the conservative monarchist movement in Germany had many ties to the nazis, the conservatives basically put Hitler in power because they thought he'd restore the monarchy.

He even tricked them with elaborate ceremonies praising the old monarchy, with nazi flags hanging in place of the old flags, of course.

Pizza I’m at dinner with my fucking girl and her little quarter spic kid. Come on man.

shut the fuck up, interwar German politics is a patrician field of study

you have shit like:

  • social democrats hiring right-wing veterans to gun down commies

  • oh yeah, the roving bands of armed right-wing veterans

  • a secret army that hid itself from the democratic civilian government

  • the machinations of Hindenburg, who supported the Nazis because he though they were retarded Bavarians who would he could easily puppet

  • the machinations of the Stalin-led commies, who didn't oppose the Nazis because they thought it would be their turn after Hitler lost power

armed right wing veterans

Guys I love the subject as much as the next and a huge freikorps nerd but I’m really trying to spend some quality time with them and pizza knows when I get into this I don’t really s......do you hear that? No. Shut the fuck up, pizza, whoever your budget nigger friend is. LISTEN. Shhhh. sooo zeihnn wir unte..... I must...fremder..fah.. goodb

the machinations of the Stalin-led commies, who didn't oppose the Nazis because they thought that Hitler would fail and then it would be the commies' turn in power

Literally they believed "Nach Hitler, Uns!"

naz bol


Interwar Europe is brainlet tier, it is too relevant to the modern world order to be assessed without bias and its impossible to say which side is lying in any debate(Holodomor is a good example) so none of them will ever be resolved.

Perhaps in a hundred years more but not today.

and its impossible to say which side is lying in any debate(Holodomor is a good example)

lmao ok Joseph

Read the data used by academics on both sides, not Radio Free America or Pravda. None of it is clear, there aren't enough facts to make conclusions for either side.

right, those 4 mill ukranians accidentally died of natural causes

wink wink

There's a difference between man made famine and natural famine. If the Holodomor is to be considered a greater crime than say the Bengal famine then there needs to be clear proof of malicious behaviour leading up to the famine.

the Bengal famine

Hey bro, no, really, I totally accept that the Japanese starving all those people in India by cutting off the rice supply from Burma was a war crime. What are we arguing about?

Your statement is retarded on so many levels if you stacked them on top of each other you'd reach the ionosphere.

Burma supplying rice to Bengal


You massive fucking retard, Bengal produced 1/3rd of India's total rice output then, Burmese imports were a drop in the bucket.


Paul Greenough estimates that even after deducting the losses due to the cut-off of Burmese imports, Midnapur Cyclone, flood and serious crop disease, 90 percent of the usual supply of rice was available in 1943. Dipak Basu also takes the view that there was a certain decline in food supply in this year. But none of them takes the view that FAD as such was the primary factor behind the famine.

The report that came up with the FAD theory was a British commission BTW, so it has the same credibility you should give a Soviet commission on the Holodomor.

A "denial of rice" policy was carried out in southern districts of the Bay of Bengal that were expected to have surpluses of rice. John Herbert, the governor of Bengal, issued a directive in late March 1942 immediately requiring stocks of paddy (unmilled rice) deemed surplus, and other food items, to be removed or destroyed in these districts,

As a second prong, a "boat denial" policy was designed to deny Bengali transport to any invading Japanese army. It applied to districts readily accessible via the Bay of Bengal and the larger rivers that flow into it.[AA] Implemented on 1 May after an initial registration period,[104] the policy authorised the Army to confiscate, relocate or destroy any boats large enough to carry more than ten people, and allowed them to requisition other means of transport such as bicycles, bullock carts, and elephants.[105] Under this policy, the Army confiscated approximately 46,000 rural boats,[106] severely disrupting river-borne movement of labour, supplies and food, and compromising the livelihoods of boatmen and fishermen

Beginning around December 1942–January 1943, high-ranking government officials and military officers (including John Herbert, the Governor of Bengal; Viceroy Linlithgow; Leo Amery the Secretary of State for India; General Auchinleck, Commander-in-Chief of British forces in India,[188] and Admiral Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Commander of South-East Asia[189]) began requesting food imports for India through government and military channels, but for months these requests were either rejected or reduced to a fraction of the original amount by Churchill's War Cabinet.[190] The colony was also not permitted to spend its own sterling reserves, or even use its own ships, to import foo

Rather than meeting this request, the UK promised a relatively small amount of wheat that was specifically intended for western India (that is, not for Bengal) in exchange for an increase in rice exports from Bengal to Ceylon

Rather than meeting this request, the UK promised a relatively small amount of wheat that was specifically intended for western India (that is, not for Bengal) in exchange for an increase in rice exports from Bengal to Ceylon

It wasn't a coincidence that Bengal was also the province that caused the British administrators the greatest headache, to the point where they had to shift their capital to Delhi as far back as 1911. Not that it helped much


Oh shit, are you one of those guys who was convinced I was a Paki because I made fun of your air force flying MiG-21s? 🤣🤣🤣

If I must elaborate: That was a total war fought across the entire world and the one big strategic question on the Allied side was what to use our shipping for. Your case boils down to thinking that the whole world was obligated to feed a bunch of Indians who weren't doing shit for the war effort, let the war go on longer, and let the Chinese, Russians, Filipinos, Algerians, etc. die instead of them. You know what? Fuck you and fuck the cow you rode in on.

We produce food
Food is burned by retarded cumskins who think Nips can swim across the Bay of Bengal or something, when their supply lines were already at their limits in Burma and in any case fighting across the Chittagong Hill Tracts would take months even with an Ichigo style offensive
Remaining food is exported
Nips offer free food shipments but cumskins don't allow it
'Lol we're not obligated to feed you bro'

This is why the mayocide is unironically good. How low IQ can you get you snowmonkey?

India was literally the largest country by industrial output in Asia after Japan, the Japanese finally got rekt on land by Indians while the Chinks, even those under Brit command like in Malaya and Burma just kept getting constantly buttraped all the way.

psychotic Hindu fever dream that just shows you don't know or care about about the global war going on because it didn't involve the monkey you let burglarize your house

I'm not following.

the Chinks, even those under Brit command like in Malaya and Burma

Yes, I think I'm starting to follow you here now. You believe that the commander of Chinese forces in Burma, the American Gen. Joseph Stillwell, notorious for hating the British, whose diary that's 90% hating the British, who had a famous book written about him hating the British was really... British.

Nixon once said that the Indians are a "slippery, treacherous people". I don't think that's entirely fair. But as long as we're on r/drama, yeah, fuck you for feeding half your population on American aid for decades while jerking yourselves raw about how socialist you are and how the caste system totally doesn't exist anymore.

Not the Chinks as in Chink Chinks, Chinks as in /ourchinks/ or jungle chinks. The real Chinks were just too sad to even joke about.

Nixon was SEETHE maxxing because we just partitioned his bae's country, funny how you bring up his seethe laden conversations. It's so obvious that he wants to declare war but then there's the entire Vietnam thing wrapping up, your soldiers are fragging each other left right and center so he can't, all he can do is incompetently wave his micropeen with Kissinger.

Not the Chinks as in Chink Chinks, Chinks as in > /ourchinks/ or jungle chinks. The real Chinks were just too sad to even joke about.

I think what he means by this is that he's butthurt how Chinese could lead their own armies without having the the whole officer corps be British, because, you know how the natives are in countries less civilized than China.

Nixon was SEETHE maxxing because we just partitioned his bae's country

And you're still totally okay with how things have gone in Kashmir.

It's so obvious that he wants to declare war

And we get to it here. The ultimate 3rd world cope. "The superpowers cared about us! We were important to them!" Jesus Fucking Christ what would be India's claim to importance here? You're a total shithole next to another total shithole. Pakistan was like something you picked up in a garage sale for a good price but you already had Iran so you never used it.

Led by wonderful people like

A brutal man, Zhang was notorious for his hobby of smashing in the heads of prisoners with his sword, which he called "smashing melons".

That's what tends to happen when a nation is conquered. Before we were conquered, there were several generals who gave the Brits quiet a lot of trouble. The Chinks weren't conquered because there were too many contenders for that cake, otherwise they got routed far more easily than even our tiny princely states.

Naah I'd rather we not have entered the valley, I'd feel sorry for Ladakhis but a few thousand Buddhists aren't worth having more dune coons in my country. We could've just kept Jammu. As for Kashmir, we captured land on that front twice, in 1965 and 1971 and returned it both times as good will gestures, since we won both wars.

Vietnam was more relevant than us? How retarded are you? Kennedy sent Kitty Hawk to aid us when the Chinks attacked, Nixon sent Enterprise to aid Pakis 9 years later so yeah, it really isn't up for debate that we are 'relevant'.

dune coons

My whole idea of your country begins when I was a kid watching Salaam Bombay seeing kids pissing on the tracks at railroad stations because nobody cared about them or the fucking railroad station. Congratulations on being from that superior race.

Kennedy sent Kitty Hawk to aid us when the Chinks attacked, Nixon sent Enterprise to aid Pakis 9 years later

Imagine being this starved for attention. India is bipolar foid of international relations. You send some rice to shut her the fuck up, she gets emotional, she starts throwing plates, but one of your 10+ aircraft carriers is enough to calm her down and make her feel important.

Everyone knows Americans are illiterate retards who form their worldview based on pop entertainment, you don't need to exhibit it so blatantly. The first time I read about you guys was actually in class 2 I think, it was some moral science bit about Washington's honesty. Seemed pretty faggy to me.

US is the catty bitch who can't stay out of a single quarrel, no matter how unrelated it is to her. I'd rather be the bipolar foid TBH, at least bipolars are interesting enough by themselves to not have to gossip about others.

Woah, check this out: the Bengal famine and the Holodomor were both atrocious.

That's different from culpability. Manslaughter and murder.

"Stalin didn't purposely commit the Holodomor, the socialist economy just naturally kills millions"

Oh okay, if you say so

That is indeed what I think, I'm trying to put together a paper on how land redistribution to the field labourers of large farmers reduced my country's agricultural output in the mid 20th century for college ATM. But even that is a theory, I find it more credible than others but it's a completely subjective opinion.

Communist academics question the numbers in the communist holocaust

You're retarded if you think belonging to Western countries doesn't affect academia in any way.

Thanks for the lesson on being retarded, tankie!

Nah bro. It was drumph vs Hillary, but in German. Hitler was elected, but it was was not legitimate because the Russians hacked the election. The rest is history.

they thought that Hitler would fail and then it would be the commies' turn in power

they weren't wrong

They were only half wrong.

Daddy, what’s all that?

Stop calling me daddy.

The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


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so damn sentient

Quarantine got you down huh?

The only thing that gets me down is an extra chromosome

Op has once cause a minor seethe on chapo, he's more of a man than you are.

No wait, he posts on r/teenagers, fuck him.

Weeb shit and Chapo? Fucking hell, this guy is either a date rapist or a soon-to-be mass killer. Someone call the FBI.

Plot twist, OP is guy in photo and is karma-farming.

ChapoDetected is the new one

Kaiserboos are, dare I say, worse than Wehraboos sometimes

being a fucking Germoid

Harris, rev up the Lancasters

Kaiserboos are the only thing worse than Wehraboos CMV.

Otta von Bismark, more like Lotta tan pissmark.


He should have talked about how Jews enabled Germany's perseverance and innovation during WW1.

We are the cause of, and the solution too, all of life's problems 🥰

You're half right

Well I'm half Jewish 😏

Huh fully jewish you say

Where's the lie?

On the lips of your ancestors!

The Germans or the Polish Jews?

Not a fan of either to be honest

You're preaching to the choir. I have to live with 'em 🤢

But he’s not wrong.

In eigth grade I legitimately was allowed to dress up as Hitler with a painted on mustache and give a speech to the class where I ended by getting every to Seig Heil.