Somebody posts a picture of a random kid crying on /pics and everybody FREAKS THE FUCK OUT

62  2019-08-08 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole


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I like how the camera man forgot to crop out the two fat kids just waiting for more free pizza.

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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How dare you, this is a totally real not at all made up picture of a victim of Americas Gestapo ICE. Where's your empathy?

It is real. ICE being their usual incompetent selfs don’t appear to have worked any actual plan with any state services for kids they knew would have no one to come home to after their raid and purposely did it while the kids were at school. Mississippi child services has no idea how many kids are now somewhere and in who’s custody after they left schools.

Why are burgers so incompetent

What are you talking about this is working exactly as intended


How much time do you have?

as much as i want because i aint poor

ICE and immigration enforcement in general is full of rabid right-wing retards that can't think ahead on even a basic level. It all needs purged when the DNC takes back control.

Lol imagine believing the dems could control anything

Considering far more people in this country vote democrat than republican, and republicans are on the losing end of a demographics battle, what exactly makes you think they won't?

The dems only win by voter count when you add in illegals and the dead.

I mean, there's no way you actually believe this.

Prove me wrong idiot

In order for me to prove you wrong, you'd have to provide some proof of your argument.

Well, ignoring the fact this is zerohedge, this is the same "dead voters" meme they try after every election.

It's not actually dead voters, it's an administrative error or people with similar names being counted as dead. This is actually a common misconception, or, it's not a misconception, but it's certain characters exploiting ignorance about voter registration to trick their more... ignorant supporters.

There are some actual fake dead votes, but it tends to be a very low number and primarily done by election workers:

Thanks for admitting it does in fact happen. 2$ of NEETbux have been deposited into your account.

Uh, showing 15 "dead voters" doesn't seem to be proof democrats are only a majority because of dead voters and illegals.

I'll assume you know that argument is factually incorrect, and assume this is a mediocre troll attempt.

made up picture

There is no way a photographer would find a kid crying after being separated from their parents!

She got pizza, shut up

Le pizza 😂

I hope all of them are banned 😤

serious posters are good for meta drama 🎃

They clearly are American at heart. Let them in.

I think the girl's crying cause the fat kid next to her got the last orange fanta (best soda besides Big Red) and she got stuck with sprite (worst soda)

orange fanta (best soda besides Big Red)

Weird way to spell Mandarin Jarritos


weird way to spell manzana

the fucks a big red, you mean cheerwine?

Cheerwine is okay but it has nothing on the glory that is Big Red

Orange Fanta SUCKS you stupid cuckold

Siri, tag this user for never taking their opinions seriously again.

Green River>Big Red you heathen

Big Red

Best soda

WTF is wrong with your taste buds. That shit is just sugar water.

Sprite fans be like “yeah hook me up with that carbonated spit”

Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


  1. Somebody posts a picture of a rando... -,,

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Why is she crying? She has le pizza XD

This whole chain is amazing

Heh stupid trumptards aren’t willing to work in shitty conditions but these noble brownos would lick your shoes for a dollar

Ha I missed that one, good shit

"Stand and fight unless things get mildly difficult then I run away"

As a member of the LGBT

Haha redditors are is embarassing. There's no official membership scheme you giant ham-faced troon.

I recognise the name wannabkate from all sorts of other retardation that stands out as autistic, even on Reddit. I think he's a minor lolcow, definitely retarded.

these trumptards are so racist, I hope all these brown people come here to the US to clean my toilet :)

Aren't these the same people who whine about "a living wage". Guess brown people don't need to live.

OP is a chapo. Thet just posted it in pics to remind the dregs who the real maxis are. Ice agents that gont hive you teo fatty slices and e cokes. Honestly they should overfeed all these kids so much their parents will need a wheelbarrow. But given how fat they already look it can't be too far off.

I’m going to serious post for a second and say the kids are probably fat because their families need to rely on cheap fast food

expecting subhuman burgers to have common sense

excusing fatties

Between me and you, kill all fatties and use their flesh to feed the livestock

Amen brother


That makes no sense. If cheap food is so nutritious, why is it cheap?

Even then, save even more money by eating less of it.

Never excuse a fatty.

Literally irrefutable logic

bringing bad carbs and soda to the gym

They will never makes it.

Imagine being morbidly obese before 21 lmao

the burger college 150

I feel so bad, they are so fat.


I've had a bit to drink but is anyone else seeing wierd letter combinations in that thread? like "a8#" and "f8////@@" in spaces and before words?

or are the mods retarded auras seeping into me

Oh shit bud it's the Minotaur

Illegal tacos eating pizza at the gym? You cry or you 4chan brigade!