Boomers actually do care about drama users

540  2019-08-09 by charming_tatum


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. Boomers actually do care about dram... -,

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Oh man this post would be good for getting CTH to seethe about boomers

They use the slur a lot themselves.

Boomer is problematic


It's the hard R, use booma

One is the father of Masterlawlz and the other is the father of Pizzashill.

You choose which one's which.

Trick question, they are gay married and are the fathers of both.

If they're gay and the parents of lawlz, and gay people reproduce by raping children then........

Then we can say that at least lawlz managed to sexually satisfy someone.

Knights of Columbus

Nah fam, theyโ€™re โ€œjust friends.โ€

80 year olds in a 30 year old photo puts them smack dab in the greatest generation and makes you 2 generations off

every old person is a boomer don't @ me

Exactly, I'm in my 30s and I'm a boomer

๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† ๐Ÿ‘ด๐Ÿ‘ด๐Ÿ‘ด ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†

Every person born before the world ended in 2012 is a boomer

These are the grandparents/parents of Boomers, dumbass.

Literally imagine being such a Zoomer that you think Old = Boomer even in pictures clearly taken on film.

Everyone older than 29 is a boomer. I should know, for I am a boomer too

imagine being older than 22 and still using reddit

What are you gonna do when youโ€™re 23?

Use Facebook

that's a shame :/

Shit, I'm 30. The discordcel trannies are right, I am a boomer.

Boomer is more than just a number, it's a state of mind. You can be 15 and still be a boomer

As time progresses, boomers get older. If recent, these guys are likely boomers.

Boomer and Zoomer is a state of mind.

Boomers old now. Any with parents that arenโ€™t in nursing homes or envolent are very rare, but thinking any have grandparents is still running around is lol. If this isnโ€™t an old picture, then it likely is boomers.

Okay, I laughed.

I love that these old men didn't know it, but they were creating a top tier shitpost that would only take a couple decades to age into perfection

aged like wine

Like a fine wine that's what HRC stands for?

Awww that's so sweet

