“Music Artist Billie Eilish's New Merch Appears to Use Traced Love Live! Fan Art”

73  2019-08-09 by Ghdust2


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. “Music Artist Billie Eilish's New M... - archive.org, archive.today

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>Appears to be Traced

Fuckboi the only type of art I do is ironic wire sculptures of peoples heads and even I can tell that's traced.

Isn't it a bigger deal for the Japn copyright guys than the Fan Artist?

Is Billie Ellish a weeb? 🤢

yes, shes talked about her liking anime before

She's autistic what do you think?

pretty sure she is. Even if she's not, she probably pretends to be just for the image.

Shes like 15 dude

  1. But it's not uncommon for popular people to pretend to like something that's "nerdy" or not mainstream to be "quirky". Especially not uncommon for someone like Billie who's trying hard to push the "quirky personality" and "I'm so different" angle.

Na i was saying her age because u said she was hot. Thought u were libertarian for a sec. shes 17 tho so its ok

I didn't say that. I said "even if she's not"

What, you don't want to fuck her anymore?

ya 🤮

but on the other hand, huge rack 🤔

in short bildy eyelash is a land of contrasts

and now they are coming for the anime!

Great, thanks feminism!

and now they are coming for the anime

wtf I love feminism now

I have yet to see or hear anything about her except online, she's the next eyebrow model chick with zero talent and 100 percent industry connections.


She should sell her bathwater to obese weebs

Tracers are lower than weebs.

they targeted anime