dude samsung lmao 🤣

120  2019-08-09 by pok8

So samsung fans and their subreddit is under serious cope since yesterday. Why? Well, samsung and their android fanbase was pretty ruthless about make funning of apple for their design choices like removing the headphone jack or adding that notch at the top etc. They used to post smug videos about it on youtube. but then yesterday... ah get this: they released the new galaxy note and guess what changes they made?
- headphone jack - gone.
- added a notch - done.
- cannot turn off the device using power button - you are welcome.
on top of this, they went back and deleted all their apple bashing videos from youtube. but you can still watch reuploads. like this. or this.


i wasn't doxxed, but i don't enjoy reddit as much as i used to. it feels like an addiction or a distraction at the moment and it's surprisingly sad how often i am noticing myself think "oh you should take a picture of this and share it" or "that's a funny story you should post this", i don't seem to enjoy doing things for the sake of it any more and rather it's me trying to get reactions out of people, whether that's disgust or laughter. last month i challenged myself to take a week off reddit because i noticed i was on it too much, i lasted 2 days and then started coming back on now, so recently i just thought fuck it i need to be able to go more than 2 days without going on here, that's not healthy. i was going to write something more in depth but i really just need to stop coming on here for a while, i said a month to myself so i'll go for that. the more time i spend on reddit, the less time i spend doing other things and it's not worth it for me. i see people spending so much time on social media and said i never wanted to be like them but i have become like that. so ill probably make a blog/video/something in a few weeks just to talk about it properly because i think a lot of people will be in similar positions and won't be aware of it or willing to try and change.

there's a lot on my mind at the moment so i just need to step back and think about what i should do now.


  1. dude samsung lmao 🤣 - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. like this - archive.org, archive.today

  3. or this - archive.org, archive.today

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people over there are high-fiving each other for trading in/upgrading their 2 year old phones. and they were throwing stones at apple 😂👌 fucking 2019 technology fanboys

Imagine being brand loyal in any year ever

Can you possibly get more cucked and pozzed?

This!!!!! So much this!!!!!!!!!

but unironically, the whole point of android is that you aren't a slave boy to 1 specific brand, so when samsung decides to POZ its fanbase, you can just buy a OnePlus or a pixel.


not a brand

Wew chap

It's an operating system. ?

Why can't an operating system be a brand exactly? Microsoft's Windows is a brand

Yes but in this situation you aren't being fucked over by "android", but companies whose phones run on android.

Yes but in this situation you aren't being fucked over by "android"

Android, owned by Google, will and has fucked you for money. If you ever bought an android phone that is.


I seriously want a One plus and immediately put Kali mobile on it. Shit looks fun

le haxor

Well... Yeah.

The whole point of this post is to point out how tarded samsungcels are.

Saying “if you don’t like it you can always buy a different one” as if that doesn’t apply to every product in existence is a galaxy brain take that I would only expect in r/drama

If you're an iphone user and enjoy IOS/Imessage there's no alternative.

If you enjoy android, there's hundereds.

also your a faggot


Haha he said the meme word

Yeah so you are locked in because you like the product more. Dumb retard ass

The whole point of android is to steal your data.

Not my suicide plans and hentai.

I kind of get apple fanboys and back when it wasn't a meme company, blackberry fanboys. It's a premium brand, they're trying to claim higher social status by using it, same reason people get expensive accessories or clothes. I really don't get Samsung fanboyism though. It's just typical chinkshit, that too never the BiS chinkshit. I use a Xiaomi right now and other than it cucking me out of rooting it, it's actually pretty good for it's price, I really didn't expect it to keep working after 2 years with the specs and price it had. Still I'm still going to consider every option before I buy my next phone.

Nah, I'm just invested in the ecosystem. I've bought so many apps over the decade that I've had iPhones (some of them actually help me make money) that I really don't want to buy an Android based phone and go through the same thing all over again. Even if I bought an android it wouldn't be one of the cheap ones, because I'd get annoyed with a lagy screen and other performance issues. I could honestly give a crap about what people think of the phone I'm using.

Did you last use Android in 2005? My chinkshit phone cost $120, has a 1.4 ghz octacore snapdragon processor and 3gb RAM. Hasn't lagged once so far. Only complaint I have is not being able to flash custom ROM and the battery not being removable, even the bloatware isn't as annoying now that Android lets you disable notifications for specific apps, even if they are system ones. Plus imagining some Chink server storing my searches makes me feel important, it's a nice ego boost.

I'm glad it's a nice ego boost for you Xi Jueng appreciates your confidence.

Apple makes the meta. Samsung just follows it.


My Chinese knockoff wins again. Similar internals at 20% of the price.

It may spy on me for the PLA but who gives a fuck; I know literally nothing that's important to anybody.

Tbh if they spy on me, they will be even stupider than before.

Chairman, we have infiltrated to highest levels of the American government. We know because they are using this one last impenetrable code that we can't understand. What could "dude bussy lmao" possibly mean?

Giving the word "counter intelligence" a completely new meaning.

Chinese government COPES and SEETHES

I'd like to see China's view of America if all they had to go off of was Lawlz's stickies


Removing the headphone jack is the worst treachery I've seen from a Korean since the ones who collaborated with the Japanese occupation.

Losers caring about phones while getting 0 texts from girls.

Was it a samsung phone that some freaks wanted to keep despite the fact that it could literally explode?

thats a feature

The phone these people prefer is the team they're loyal to. Imagine that

These phones aint loyal.

Ewww I can’t do forums that are mostly comprised of bugmen 🤢


I was pissed when iPhone removed the jack but just bought a $20 pair of bluetooth earbuds for working out and meh it's not so bad. I prefer running without the damn wires.

You know bluetooth radiation causes prostate and anal cancer?

I don't have a prostate, but I identify as an X-Man so please don't be offensive of my mutant bluetooth brain powers.

Do you have an anus tho?

Listen, bub, please don't be so transphobic. My anus is being transformed into a second vagina.

Sorry Ms. Gussy²

Back hole and front hole ok huny

no prostate

foids raus


Gott Strafe Frauen

You're not supposed to shove the phone up your ass.

I didnt download a vibrator app to not use it.

Solid point. Enjoy your cancergasms.

After thinking it over, a bigger prostate must mean bigger pleasure when blasting my bussy with my phone.

Imagine you’re chatting a girl up and things are going well. After a few drinks and a few laughs, she gives you her number.

Later that night she’s lying in bed thinking about you. As if the universe predicted it, she hears her phone vibrate. Excitedly, she reaches to her nightstand and opens up to her messages when she sees it.

A green fucking text bubble.

She dries up like Northern Africa instantly, and tosses her phone on the floor without even reading the message. ”What kind of incel uses an android?” she thinks as she punches her pillow. She reaches over the edge of the bed and retrieves her phone.

”Fuck it, I’m going back to Brad.”

True story

Scamscum strikes again

Eh I'll go back to flip phones before I put up with that shit

Just goes to show thst you really can't trust anyone anymore, but the Chinese. Make it possible Huawei.