Without a place to call home, some Chapocels have attempted to immigrate to r/pics.

108  2019-08-09 by Ghdust2


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Wtf would this even mean in their imaginary world? Is it supposed to be about the boat people from Vietnam who were fleeing communism? But aren't they "gusanos" who deserve to be gulaged?

As a person who hasn't been extremely online for my entire life, I honestly don't even begin to get wtf zoomers imagined was going on in the 20th century that this would represent.

I think it's supposed to be a critique of wealthy demagogues often use racial tensions and anti-immigration fears for political gain, in order to enrich themselves.

The "boat" represents immigration.

It was way way on the backburner in the 1960s-1970s though. There was all kinds of shit going on with Vietnam, the civil rights movement, race riots, the daily threat of nuclear war, loss of trust in the government, an explosion in heroin use, hippies not wearing shoes. And the progressive movement related to immigration at the time was Cesar Chavez organizing farm workers against the companies that were bringing in illegals from Mexico to replace them.

You can try to rationalize this photoshop job in some abstract way but it has absolutely nothing to do with how people who actually lived at the time saw the world.

To be clear, that picture isn't from the 1960s or 1970s, it's from modern times and someone just made it grey.

C'mon Pizza. It's clear what they were trying to make it look like. 🙄

Sure, but this goes back to early US and western history in general. It's not exactly a new message.

It's not exactly a profound message either.

what about rich chinese immigrants

are they the enemy or your friend?

The rich period are the enemy, always have been.

If the rich are the enemy, how come the rich never mug and/or catcall people? 🤔🤔🤔

The Japanese are the true enemy.

Are you a brainlet? I mean its not hard to deduce what the implied meaning is.


The boats can be interpreted as refugees or just landing craft like in D-Day. Basically an enemy navy.

The Limousine represents fatcat billionaires.

As for zoomers, well don't blame us for this. Well actually, do blame us for this. Our idea of history is distilled memes from Instagram, which are on par with r/HistoryMemes in terms of quality.

Looking at the weight of the crowd, this was probably from Europe.

Europe's immigration crisis is different, since they've got people crossing the medditeranean from Africa on shitty little rafts and dinghies, or crossing the English Channel in a similar fashion.

It probably relates to that, rather than Americas problem of Mexicans coming via road.

The picture was altered to make it look like it was from America in the 1960s. That was the whole point of it. 🤦‍♀️


According to some commies, it's from an Anti-budget protest in Sydney, May 18, 2014.

Australia gets its illegals by boat, so the sign makes sense.

You know back on the 60/70s the whole position to take was that America shouldn’t get involved in the rest of the world’s problems and that it should focus on improving itself first.

Not really surprising that so many boomers support Daddy when you think of it that way

Wtf would this even mean in their imaginary world?

Instead of blindly hating people who are poorer than you, you should blindly hate people who are richer than you.

The comments always call the BS in the post out, but it makes me wonder who actually upvoted the post?


Also, horseshoe law confirmed. Millenials are just as unfunny as boomers.

I think reddit staff have stated multiple times that the majority if users are lurkers that don't post comments, or even read them.

The generic commenting, fake wholesome, baby talking redditors who make up the majority of r/pics users.

do they not realize both are possible

also did it not occur to them that the limo people are rather poor cheap labor

As long as its there and not here

Australians deserve their shitty country.

Imagine open borders on an insane aslylum

Goddamn. r/pics mods should cut their own fucking wrists already