Violent video game causing mass shootings discussion unironically leads to a massacre in the comments. Or is it a gangbang?

22  2019-08-09 by Nezzajj


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It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Violent video game causing mass sho... -,,

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You don't hear of mass-stabbings now do you?

Literally yesterday.

Imagine living in america and still using knives for anything at all.

Burgerland is a meme country end it now

Why are Europoors so obsessed with guns in a America? They like straight up can’t stop talking about it.

It's like penis envy.

Because they are retarded. Its that simple.


They're jealous because getting shot is better than being European

This is so true

look at how many of them got shot from 1910-1950 just so they didn't have to live there anymore

Why are Europoors so obsessed with America in general?

When is JBP gonna agree and say video games cause beds to be made and therefore school shootings? Surely he wouldn’t mind alienating the fraction of his audience that live to play video games.

What does lobster daddy have to do with any of this, at all


Im convinced you can find him argue in favor of gaymers with some galaxy brain take vidya makes ur brain smarter so its ok neets

Anything to curtail the g*mer menace is God's work.

Again: no laws being introduced right now would’ve stopped that massacre

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wow, what a fuck load of bullshit


It has nothing to do with violent video games and everything to do with absent parents. If you just sit your toddler on front of the xbox without caring about what's in front of him, and without making sure hes not murdering hookers, hes gonna be a badly socialized child. Add that, and the fact that most mass shooters didn't have fathers and bam, you have the reason for the increase.

Why is /r/Games acting surprised about games being censored when they've been campaigning for it harder than Catholic Mothers lately? That entire sub is just full of crying about working conditions in the games industry and complaints that the new Mortal Kombat is too violent.