No offense intended, but I have a minor in macroeconomics from college, a degree in business administration, and am the current academic transcriber for market analysis at the prominent John Molson school of business, and I doubt your credentials being anything more than you taking Econ 201 in highschool. And the emotive nature of your response is your anxiety, not your expertise.
Even in the worst-case hypothetical scenario (our current existing reality, by the way, so this isn't a hypothetical:)
If the floor price of this range of unboxes remains entirely untouched by valve, the value of those hats remains at approximately 7$. These aren't penny stocks.
Who could have guessed that a member of the most republican race and gender, who lived in a Republican state and served in the military and was at a Republican sporting event where he got so offended over someone not respecting the national anthem that he assaulted them would be a Republican?
The fun part of this is that his lawyer is trying to get him off on the defense that "Trump basically ordered him to do it".
Also the fact that this hick ass dirt farmer had a 10 year sentence on an armed assault charge just suspended because "lol why not" needs to come bite him in the ass.
If you tweeted at Trump that you love him and you have enough twitter/instagram/facebook followers he'll probably send you some sort of hostage negotiator to make sure you don't see any real jail time. You also would probably get a good job at the DOJ, so it'd probably work out in your favor.
Why do people link to sources that have no relation to the story itself? This is a story about a man in Montana doing something in Montana, why post the Japan Times article?
1 SnapshillBot 2019-08-09
No offense intended, but I have a minor in macroeconomics from college, a degree in business administration, and am the current academic transcriber for market analysis at the prominent John Molson school of business, and I doubt your credentials being anything more than you taking Econ 201 in highschool. And the emotive nature of your response is your anxiety, not your expertise.
Even in the worst-case hypothetical scenario (our current existing reality, by the way, so this isn't a hypothetical:)
If the floor price of this range of unboxes remains entirely untouched by valve, the value of those hats remains at approximately 7$. These aren't penny stocks.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-08-09
Right about what
1 professorshillphd 2019-08-09
I predicted this would be a magatard. Very high IQ prediction.
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-08-09
Good for you, sweaty.
1 Enrico_Motassa 2019-08-09
It's basically the easiest prediction but okay.
1 VanillaReign 2019-08-09
I think you missed the sarcasm.
1 gunowner63 2019-08-09
Who could have guessed that a member of the most republican race and gender, who lived in a Republican state and served in the military and was at a Republican sporting event where he got so offended over someone not respecting the national anthem that he assaulted them would be a Republican?
1 GeauxHouston22 2019-08-09
wow you predicted that an old white man in flyover shithole #16 would be a DDF type
nothing gets by you pizza
1 Enrico_Motassa 2019-08-09
The fun part of this is that his lawyer is trying to get him off on the defense that "Trump basically ordered him to do it".
Also the fact that this hick ass dirt farmer had a 10 year sentence on an armed assault charge just suspended because "lol why not" needs to come bite him in the ass.
1 GeauxHouston22 2019-08-09
if we can start getting away with crime with that defense, I'm definitely gonna' rob some minority-owned businesses
1 Enrico_Motassa 2019-08-09
If you tweeted at Trump that you love him and you have enough twitter/instagram/facebook followers he'll probably send you some sort of hostage negotiator to make sure you don't see any real jail time. You also would probably get a good job at the DOJ, so it'd probably work out in your favor.
1 GeauxHouston22 2019-08-09
fuck, I thought people joined the DDF for the love of the game, turns out it was for the bennies
1 Enrico_Motassa 2019-08-09
Bennies or expected bennies.
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-08-09
He had brain damage from a car accident as well
1 Rocketteman 2019-08-09
Why do people link to sources that have no relation to the story itself? This is a story about a man in Montana doing something in Montana, why post the Japan Times article?