The barren cat ladies at DU discuss how to handle the mayoman who can’t get his Starbucks without open carrying his AR. Disarm him? Threaten him? Have the cops murder him? 90+ comments worth of a glimpse into how Leslie in Human Resources is totally a rational adult human being.

46  2019-08-09 by Day_of_the_COPE


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  1. The barren cat ladies at DU discuss... -,

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Bonus if you follow the twitter link. It’s a total shitshow lol

Smh at all these comments talking about his tiny mayo penis, don't they know they're suppose to call him an incel now?

These are the same people who say it’s a death sentence to call the cops on a urban youth who breaks into your house so just let him take your stuff.

But if you are a mayo legally carrying a gun? Mask off, just have the cops murder him before the barista is done writing his name lol

This reminds me of when Ice Tea posted a tweet about nearly pulling his gun on a delivery man. All the other celebs and blue checkmarks thought it was hilarious. Imagine if some white redneck joked about pulling a gun on the Amazon guy. A lot of hand wringing about Daddy and mayo moids would have ensued. On the other hand, Reagan and the California Republicans supported gun control in California to stop the Black Panthers from having guns. Basically leftoids are cool with gun culture if it’s black gun culture and rightoids only like it when it’s white gun culture. Another example of Horseshoe Law.

It literally is. This guy open carrying us a total faggot but not a what do these people do? Literally say “I would grab it from him” “I would shooting him in the calf!” Like what the absolute fuck is wrong with you? Lol

People who open carry rifles legitimately have small penises. Conceal carry or a pistol on your hip, depending on the situation, is something that literally every stable person should do.

I 100% don’t disagree lol

never relax around mayos with guns

I don’t disagree and I think this guy is a faggot but I couldn’t help pointing out how these same people believe that whatever a teen steals from you when breaking into your house is no big deal but this guy should be murdered for getting coffee lol

It's funny how those lefty Democrats have no moral issues with lying to a cop to make them gun down a fellow citizen.

But remeber ACAB / BLM ✊🏿

Watch the 🐴 👞 if you replace one in those comments and you end up with the lady who called the cops on the black BBQ guy

Personally, I would call 911 and report a black man with an hoodie making threatening gestures. Make him explain it to the SWAT team, and give him some discomfort.

Call the police, tell them there's a black guy with unknown mental state

Then call 911. Hassle the hell out of these twits, and if one or two of them get gunned down by trigger happy cops so be it. And you should call 911 and say someone is trying to break in a home.

It should really not be up to private citizens to judge whether that black person is peaceful or intends to murder everyone. Let the cops figure that out.

It would be literally a holocaust.

The patricians political stance is knowing everyone just wants the cops to kill their enemies for them.

There's always been tension between the general leftoid trust of institutions and anti cop racism stuff

Meh these open carry long gun guys are just going to get stores to refuse them service and ban them on a national level if they keep it up. You have no right to open carry in a store.

They aren’t trying to get banned, it’s the autistic rightoid version of woke posting or wearing a pussy hat.

you have no right to

You literally legally do. It’s fucking gay. But you do. And I do open carry out in the country/land/horse ranch area, and I take advantage of open carry everytime I have to bring more rifles than I have cases to the range if people come to shoot.

Is it autistic to do getting coffee? Yes. Is it legal and does it have practical uses? Yes.

You literally legally do

Businesses aren’t publicly property. They don’t have to let you in open carrying.

If the business doesn’t display a sign stating it and it’s a carry state, it’s assumed.

They ask you to leave you leave. Obviously they can refuse this if they want. I don’t like that they do b cause then they are banning me and my legal concealed gun.

Deeply disturbing picture, really disgusting. Wearing a hat indoors is unbelievably gauche.

Based and traditional pilled.

I'm so glad someone finally linked DU here. That place is hand ringing central with the most bommerist of leftists.

Oh my man, I got DU posts going way back. The only account I have older than DU is a car forum and

When DU was hacked election night I was giddy with laighter

I got a noise complaint in election night from laughing, completely sober. I lived in the gay neighborhood in my city and it was unbelievably memeish

  1. This! So much this!

Is this some weird form populated by redditors?