Mayo wanders into stupidpol, proceeds to reinforce the need for mandatory recitation of the mayo creed after dropping some t. mayo smooth brain logic.

12  2019-08-09 by SJCards


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. Mayo wanders into stupidpol, procee... -,,

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Lmaoooo you think he’s being a dumb mayo but he’s got a point in some of ramblings it’s ok to not be self hating mayo SJ

t. mayo

I’m tan you bigot how dare you

t. mayo adjacent

Show me ur bussy and I promise to infiltrate the wypipo for you.

PM me his bussy if he does

To spite him, you'll be the first to receive bussy.

Crypto mayo

I just feel bad for mayos, it is like watching the giant panda go extinct

" EDIT: lol comment linked to r/drama because someone can't stand that I don't loathe myself as much as he loathes himself. You hate to see it. Even ironically saying this is a major bruh moment."


Reddit Wars Episode 4: a new clap-back.

He's full mayo cope.