Reddit neckbeard virgins are S E E T H I N G

12  2019-08-09 by WholesomeSoundness


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No offense intended, but I have a minor in macroeconomics from college, a degree in business administration, and am the current academic transcriber for market analysis at the prominent John Molson school of business, and I doubt your credentials being anything more than you taking Econ 201 in highschool. And the emotive nature of your response is your anxiety, not your expertise.

Even in the worst-case hypothetical scenario (our current existing reality, by the way, so this isn't a hypothetical:)

If the floor price of this range of unboxes remains entirely untouched by valve, the value of those hats remains at approximately 7$. These aren't penny stocks.


  1. Reddit neckbeard virgins are S E E ... -,,

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Imagine having passionate sex with your lover, going through 9 months of loving and caring pregnancy only to name your daughter kaelyn


The only useful part of that thread.

Other than people confusing Indians with the Middle East lol




The only useful part of that thread.

Other than people confusing Indians with the Middle East lol

This is really not funny, It's a joke you see all over reddit. What's next, are you gonna laufh at attack helicopter and karen jokes too? I can't wait for summer to end.

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