Hey guys, with all the Epstein drama going on, just thought I'd be a good friend and give you guys the actual link to the documents released yesterday

115  2019-08-10 by Mrtheliger


Haven't seen it posted here yet, and we need to keep our sub radically centrist. Ergo, we should all read the document for ourselves and make our own conclusions on it. With all of reddit screeching that Daddy ordered the hit after this was released, while all the boomers bellowing Killary and Billy have got yet another one, the best course of action is to put our heads together and come up with our own story!

Personally, I think Prince Andrew personally strangled him after they had sexual relations for the final time


Just another victim of gamergate

So you're saying gamergate and pizzagate are linked? Interesting..

Yeah, a bunch of pedophiles involved in both

It's all coming together now

The real pedophile was inside you all along.

The real pedophiles were the friends we made along the way

they do both end in -gate. seems pretty airtight

Thanks Nixon

They both belong to the parlorgate umbrella of gates.

Pizza parlor

Massage parlor

Game parlor

Child rape parlor

Pizza parlor

Massage parlor

Game parlor

They already said that.

I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Hey guys, with all the Epstein dram... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. https://www.documentcloud.org/docum... - archive.org, archive.today

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Personally, I think Prince Andrew personally strangled him after they had sexual relations for the final time

This is the only explanation worth a damn

It just makes sense

The Royals certainly have a history of making problematic thorns in princes' sides dead.

RIP Princess Diana.

Royals did well in 2015 but they usually suck balls

What did they do well in 2015?

Plot twist: Epstein killed himself and raped little girls because of violence in video games.

We want theories, not the facts we already know.

Yeah but which games?

Animal Crossing: Child Rape-Shampoodle

Haven't seen it posted here yet, and we need to keep our sub radically centrist. Ergo, we should all read the document for ourselves and make our own conclusions on it.

Wrong, we should assume the worst and make sure everyone knows this as fact.

Just the way /r/Drama was intended.

What did they scan this with? A 1993 Nokia?

The text is horrible, they need a proper ORC scanner.

Exhibit PP is pretty hard evidence of you ask me.

thanks for the link, I like your theory

Always a pleasure to be of service

Trump doesnt have the balls to kill him tbh.


WTF is this thread? Shit fire.

The only thing melting down is your ability to influence this Sub in any way other than making them all hate you unanimously because of how much of a faggot you are 😂😂😂😂😂


  1. https://www.documentcloud.org/docum... - Outline

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