why has this mayo not gotten cided yet

32  2019-08-11 by HogPostBot


No offense intended, but I have a minor in macroeconomics from college, a degree in business administration, and am the current academic transcriber for market analysis at the prominent John Molson school of business, and I doubt your credentials being anything more than you taking Econ 201 in highschool. And the emotive nature of your response is your anxiety, not your expertise.

Even in the worst-case hypothetical scenario (our current existing reality, by the way, so this isn't a hypothetical:)

If the floor price of this range of unboxes remains entirely untouched by valve, the value of those hats remains at approximately 7$. These aren't penny stocks.


  1. why has this mayo not gotten cided ... - archive.org, archive.today

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i don't think he's white

U are tho m*yo scum