Mayo burgers trying to COPE with the fact that America lost a bunch of wars.

3  2019-08-11 by aruyais


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This, but unironically.


  1. Mayo burgers trying to COPE with th... -,,

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Name a war America lost militarily in the last 70 years, seriously.


Vietnam. Now obviously there were political constraints that prevented the military from actually winning, which they could done if they were allowed to, but the "we never lost a battle bigger than company level" bullshit is not true. There were battles lost over there all the time. Maybe it wasn't reported in underground LGBT publications like Soldier of Fortune magazine but it was known to the guys who actually served there.

We weren’t at war with Vietnam. We were supporting the South Vietnamese who were our allies.




You said the meme word

Stealing my role as the boomer who reminds everyone that Vietnam was mostly a conventional war between nation states brought on by commie aggression AND trying to paint me as a hippie?

Suck it boomer! I'm a millenial!

It was the other way around. The war was ended because all the hippies were being told that we were doing nothing but losing. All the American media outlets would make big stories out of every single loss in Vietnam but would never report any of the victories, which there were plenty of.

t. I watched a documentary on Netflix once

bay of pigs

Lmao is this nigga serious

Korean War too, literally nothing changed except for the borders

history memes

Everything posted here is retarded, more so than drama