Every fucking comment is merced on a pit bull meme

203  2019-08-11 by ardasyenden


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The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


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Is that a new snappy comment?






All pitbulls should be sterilized. The breed should never have another generation.

Based and Think of the Childrenpilled

Think of the children? Nigga think of me, I'm not getting bit

Only 284? Wtf

These are deaths of humans only. Deaths, not maulings.

but however in a quick search they are 46% of all bites period

And only 5% of domestic dogs are pibbles.



Their owners, too.

Why stop there, just euthanize them all.

I'm firmly in the camp that they should all be rounded up and euthanized.

At this point, it doesn't matter if the breed isn't actually inherently more dangerous. So may retards buy them as guard dogs that picking out the good ones would be too much of an effort.

All pitbulls are good ones until they aren't, tho

Pits truly are the dindu nuffins of the doggo world.

Blame the bad owners who can't take responsibility for their animals. Black crime was practically nonexistent back when responsible white folks owned them all.

Too true.

When will the leaders of the pit bull community take some responsibility?

It's a socioeconomic issue. The pit bull problems will cease once they get more money for dog training programs. Donate today, or you are a part of the problem.

You ain't wrong there.

dinchew ruffin

Hecking woofer does a flipping mauling owo

Jannies just wanted to show what happens when you unleash couple of pibbles on a comment section.


aww then nanny mods would never do anything like tha...

They did it for free 346 times

Steve Huffman: Compensation, well... A few steps down the road what I would like to do is when I say empower communities, I think there’s an extreme version of that, which is where we bring economics into this. Allowing communities to have business models. And hopefully you can use your imagination there, but I think there’s a lot they can do and that would open the door to communities having money and potentially moderators having a share of that. So I think we’re pretty far off, but that’s one of my, kind of, fantasies, that we can elevate communities to such a degree that people can actually run a business or earn a living on Reddit.

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Who mauled that thread

Somebody tell me why Reddit has such a boner for pibbles.

It's not like there are hundreds of other breeds.


White guilt

it really is like inviting a minority into your house but without all the icky human parts

Because owning one gives you a lot of opportunities to virtue signal ("Pibbles is not like other dogs. He's not a monster, he's just misunderstood! And I am not like other dog owners, I am able to see past all the negative stereotypes with my morally superior gaze"). They'd adopt black/brown orphans if they could but they can't afford it so they settle on pitbulls.

Im pretty sure most people own them because "theyre the best dogs, they beat every dog in a fight, my dog is the strongest, im the strongest, i wanna deepthroat my dogs balls"

That escalated quickly lmao

Are you lost, dweeb? BEAT IT!

It’s very common among white suburban women as it gives them a way to stand out and be different..

Good. I think there's too many children being born into the world. A few maulings would cull the human herd just a little bit.

Aw my widdwe pibbwe wouwd nevew huwt a fwy EDIT: I want to dank aww de downvotews fow hewping me bwing attention to dis issue. Pwease continue to downvote as it wiww attwact attention to dis subject. I have a cowwegue who was pewmanentwy disfiguwed by a pitbuww and is appawentwy distwessed and depwessed ovew de mattew. Given de fact his face and eaw is wipped to shweds I can't bwame him, poow guy is singwe and stwuggwing, awone. Sad ding is he used to be one of de most upbeat and positive peopwe I knew. No wongew. Iwonicawwy he and de ofew dog handwews fought management to awwow pitbuwws into de kennew, a stand dey eventuawwy won. de fiwst pitbuww admittedmto de pwogwam attacked him, compwetewy wandomwy, and aww he did was wawk past it in de hawwway. So de centew faiwed it out of de pwogwam and attempted to adopt de dog out. In de pwocess de pitbuww was intwoduced to a famiwy and deiw 2 dogs, tomsee if dey matched, when it attacked de two wittwe giwws but deiw 2 dogs intewvened... and paid de pwice. Bod dogs suwvived, dankfuwwy, and de giwws awe physicawwy unscaded. We avoided a majow wawsuit, but de pitbuww is on pewmanent wockdown. dis stowy, my fwiends, is 100% twue, and is awso a testimoniaw. I am fuwwy awawe, as I hope yuw awe, dat a testimoniaw is onwy one pewsons point of view on a subject. Aftew dat we can onwy point to statistics, wike de statistic I posted. Detwactows wiww cwy “fake news” (we've heawd dat befowe) whiwe posting deiw testimoniaws. Howevew what we need to wemain vigiwent about is FATAw dog attacks, a statistic dat pitbuwws undeniabwy own. So, pwease, pitbuww defendews, if dewe is one ding yuw can do, continue to downvote dis post as it wiww dwaw attention to dis issue, since wedditows wike me wove to see de dwama. If dewe is one ding I'd wike to get acwoss it's dis: dewe awe witewawwy hundweds of dog bweeds, and I wove dem aww, pwease, if and when yuw adopt choose wisewy. Don't choose de one bweed dat (even if it happens wawewy) kiwws and maims peopwe. 

I comprehend hieroglyphics better than this

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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love you bb

Longpost is back

I saw that picture when I googled pitbulls like a month ago

one of the funniest captions I've ever seen

Lol Jannies are so sensitive to pibble drama.



Wow I have visited prisons before but to be honest I'd be more afraid of going into that sub when it first popped up, to think of all of those people who just can't behave....