Video games bad because orange man good

41  2019-08-11 by Ghdust2


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  1. Video games bad because orange man ... -,,

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Holy shit if this is real they're way into an actual cult.

It's pure distilled boomer over there, are you really shocked


Games really do suck

Games: ok

"G*ymers": should sectioned

Making mayos violent, if true, is literally the only good thing to come out of gaming whatsoever.

It's everything but the guns to Americans.

How many mass shooters were actually gamers though

All of them, but not because of the games. It's because you can draw a straight line from listless jobless losers to mass shooters.

Anders Breivik, the Norway shooter, was really into Call of Duty and World of Warcraft. He even requested a PS3 for his cell and got mad when he was given a PS2 instead.

Fucking huntards

The cycle is complete

Their argument about studies is pure gold.

Sociological studies about video games not causing violence = valid

Hard science studies about man made climate change = libtard bullshit

Boomers are retarded but gamers are retarded, too. Everyone but me is wrong here.