Flat Earth boomer launching off in homemade rocket in honor of Daddy

55  2019-08-11 by Gleeroy95


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. Flat Earth boomer launching off in ... - archive.org, archive.today

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The 62-year-old limo driver and amateur rocketeer has gained attention in the past for his launches. He had several failed attempts before his first successful launch in March of last year.

Hughes successfully launched his rocket off a ramp made from a mobile home and scaffolding, making it 572 metres into the sky on the rocket before deploying his parachute and gliding back to Earth.

this is actually not his first rodeo, pretty based honestly

this is actually not his first rodeo, pretty based honestly

AFAIK there is also a rumor going about that he's not a flat earther and are just milking them to fund his rockets

When the alternative is that someone who's a flat earther is intelligent enough to build his own rocket I choose to believe this.

dude flat earthers are dumb lol

You have to have an IQ rivaling a pomeranian to believe something as dumb as "flat earth theory." Unironically, Young Earth Christcucks are less retarded than Flat Earth "conspiracy" theorists.

yo this dude thinks the Earth is round lmfao, tell me more about how JFK was killed by oswald

Fucking globe heads, am I right?

Unironically based. Whether you’re a flat earther or a globehead you personally are probably are just believing what other people say and have no empirical proof. At least this guy is actually trying to test his theory.

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feeling cute my spam lawlz with pics of my hairy asshole idk

Its going to explode with him inside

If you have multiple unsuccessful rocket launches and still aren't dead there's something seriously wrong with you.

says the guy who's probably not even attempted one rocket launch, coward

What time is this launch?

I can't believe he's still alive. Props to this absolute mad man.

We made a hilarious documentary out of his first journey. Here’s the trailer: https://youtu.be/cTeNB2Yk3nc

The website is www.RealRocketman.com
