Zoomer subreddit threatens to brigade.... themselves.

69  2019-08-12 by Ghdust2


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If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


  1. Zoomer subreddit threatens to briga... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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I've been able to figure out they're upset with the mods, dunno why though.

Teenagers in general, historically and especially today's teenagers aren't generally known for being the most rational bunch.

It might have something to do with their undeveloped brains, lack of proper upbringing, over-reliance on "the internet", inability to mentally overrule their hormones?

Who knows?

Thats possible, but i think that the jannies probably did something retarded because thats what jannies do


uncompensated internet moderators vs teenagers

Even match, I'd say.

The mods cracked down on shitposting and memes. This upset the resident karma farmers. And because everybody loves a good bandwagon the whole sub has started to revolt.

Their mods banned shitposts, as well as posts that "not all users can relate to," like video games.

Teenagers were a mistake

I miss being a teenager cause it was socially acceptable to be retarded back then. Now I’m retarded with no excuse


Based and brap-pilled

True tbh

Why the fuck do they care about reddit karma so much? Does that actually validate them in their minds? They get one downvote and go straight to

Edit: why the downvote? How dare you downvote me!? Aaaargh If I get one more downvote I'm going to die!!!1!!

Kinda creepy they put their age as their flair, it's like wearing a target.

I believe the children are our future.

We're doomed.

You can count on teenagers to lead the karmawhoring revolution.
