Could an army with hundreds of jet bombers, Hellfire missiles, and ICBMs defeat the Nazis? One brave man isn't so sure.

87  2019-08-12 by TheLordHighExecu


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The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Could an army with hundreds of jet ... -,

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Wow, he keeps going.

Who needs all that weaponry when we have so many twitter warriors to punch them and throw milkshakes?

the panzerfaust should be a viable threat even to an abrams tank. Especially when you consider how their arced trajectory would often result in hits to the roof

Has to be a very dedicated troll. Nobody could be that tarded.

He has a Reddit account full of this. He has to be an incredibly dedicated troll.

We already know Germany's weakness tho. Just transport a few million Turks in and call it a day. Nazis btfo'd with BO and falafel.

"The Mohammedan religion would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?" - Adolf Hitler, hot-takes extraordinaire

of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest of them all?

"Hitler was right again." Inshallah.

The Gundam is the superior military weapon of the future.

Lmao read about how the Bismarck got hunted down and half the time it's "bitch there was fog so we couldn't do jack shit".

The "battle" lasted four days and it took 12 ships to sink a ship that wasn't refueled and hat its fuel tank hit right at the start.

I don't even need superior firepower if my enemy can't see shit.

Contrary to popular belief, warships are incredibly difficult to sink unless you get a perfect shot in the right place.

This applies to modern ships as well.

I never said it was easy. Just that the reason it wasn't sunk was that they barely fought because they couldn't find it.

One of the very, very rare cases where SV users are more sane than the lolcow.

What a fucking retard.

“Look, I’m not saying the nazis were the good guys, but you have to respect their training, abilities, and heroic courage. also the holocaust wasn’t that bad^(and maybe didn’t happen)”

They filmed the fake Holocaust on the Moon Landing. Or they filmed the fake Moon Landing during the Holocaust, I can't remember.

Nazis probably won't even now what hit them.

Literally, for the most part.

I know this is probably a troll, but the fact that anyone is even remotely considering this is beyond stupid. A single modern carrier group would win a fight against literally every navy from 1945 combined.

America would have Hitler's head mounted on a pole by the end of the day.

This reads like someone who really took those Henry Turtledove reptilian invasion books to heart and then doubled down on Wehrabooism.

Didn't the Race get into a civil war because of chili peppers?

I thought it was legit cat food or somethiing.

District 13 was cat food. The Race in Turtledove has foid lizards that go into heat when consuming spice. Not like Dune spice, but regular grocery store shit, which messed up their society something fierce.

Tangential but a necessity: who writes the creepiest verse on female sexuality; Turtledove, or GRRM?

John Norman

... and they say kink shaming is wrong.
