Molymeme triggers literally every woman on twitter by mansplaining lipstick

210  2019-08-12 by Geraffe_Masturbator


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. Molymeme triggers literally every w... -,

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This is philosophy in 2019 and it's beautiful

philosophy in 2019 is to explain why "mosquitoes are friends of revolution" to justify r/LSC broke ass not donating to malaria charity LMAO

Someone in replies called him

Kirkland Signature Jordan Peterson

Pretty solid kill.

I like the energy but Kirkland products are top notch. Shoulda been whatever Walmart's or Sam's Club labels are.

Kirkland pizza is πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ


Great Valueβ„’


Nah, Molyneux is like Food Lion brand, at best. Whatever the lowest tier of generic trash food is, that's where the comparison lies.

7/11 Brand Pizza scoffs at Molymeme

I am eating a giant bottle of Kirkland salted cashews right now so I have to agree.

Keep an eye on that blood pressure.

That's why I'm eating them, to spare my dad from the salt.

Those hot dogs are so bad for you but soon good.

Great Value Lobsterman.

When JP got all those idiots upset for questioning why women wear makeup it really made me just take in how much women dont think about what they do. Like Why wear makeup? What is its purpose? To make you look good? But why those colors? Why lipstick? Why rouge? These things cant just be random acts you do to make you, and only yourself, feel better.


why does anyone do anything

Psychology in a nutshell really

The feminine chaos dragon and the ordered masculine.

Yeah, dude, everyone but women goes down an existential rabbit hole about why they're wearing skinny jeans or parting their hair a certain way when they are getting ready for work in the morning.

Not saying you have to or should. But if someone says "hey, here is some biological reasons we do certain things" You cant just come back and "Youre wrong because youre a small dick incel, i put makeup on because i want to!"

So, if I wear lipstick, and someone tells me it's because during sexual arousal women's lips swell up like baboon's ass, I have to just say "OK"? Who are these randos telling women this and why should women pay any attention to them?


Women should pay attention to these "randos" (who in some cases are actually elite scientists) if they want to reduce the chances of getting sexually harassed or assaulted in the workplace. The point is that you can't sexually objectify yourself and then start complaining when people start to treat you like an object. That's like expecting others to deny their natural instincts and desires while you fully live out yours. It's pure delusion and wishful thinking to think these kinds of actions don't have wider consequences. For example, men generally know not to wear flashy jewelry in the bad part of town because they'll attract unwanted attention and get beaten/robbed. It seems like common sense but apparently many women have problems with this concept for some reason which they can't actually explain or justify πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I don't know about everyone else, but I do it because my wife's boyfriend tells me too.

It’s war paint. Bitches out here killing each other for dick.


nice to see they let the adult autists in the hospital use twitter

That explains all of Twitter

Reminds me of that drunk guy from brazil getting blasted by an entire feminist demonstration.

Lol what is that?


Feminist fragility at based drunk guy

What a Chad


You can’t just post that without the second part. Newfriends these days smh




Sorry my bad.

Zozzle bot knows what the fuck is up. πŸ‘Œ


fuckin nsfw dude


someone out theres a straight up hoe

Is that a horse cock?


It says something like at the bottom right so probably.

Is that a fucking horse?

Do what you must, I have already won.

I wish i had a real mommy who wore lipstick

They don't do it to appeal to men, but to counteract their feminine fragility.




I've been following him for months and I still cannot tell if he's a Twitter satirist.

His smug "intellectualism" is hilarious, he is the Michael Brooks of the right.

He unironically believes he should be incorporated into the canon of continental philosophy. He also ran a pseudo-cult. He’s a full blown case of NPD if I’ve ever seen one

I honestly forgot about his defooing bullshit lmao

i mean this is literally true tho, their lips lose colour and they wear it to counteract that

How does that explain the vast majority of women under the age of 25 wearing lipstick?

i rarely see anyone wearing it unless they're dressing up for something. whereas older women seem to wear it constantly

Explain East Asia


i live in thailand

🀒 libertarians gtfo

Thailand is in South East Asia you spacker

can't spell southeast without east

My Thai girlfriend can't spell at all.

They usually get to spelling by the third grade... πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

I think the boys aren't doing as well in school these days tho.

i rarely see anyone wearing it

If you saw the wrong locomotive on Thomas the Tank Engine, I'm sure you'd blow your stack. Not sure you've got the same skills when it comes to women's cosmetics.

have you moved on from my little pony to thomas the tank engine now?

Unironically MLP is good for a kid's show, at least the parts I saw. I've never seen Thomas the Tank Engine, I just used that to imply that OP is turboautist who can relate to model trains better than to women.

yeah forgive me if i don't give your judgement any weight at all given your interests

Unironically MLP is good

bro you just posted cringe



Did you miss the part where full, red lips are a sign of fertility? Women under 25 want to look as fertile as possible, also.

Just wear one of those belly belts that make you look preganant. Rookie foids.

Performance enhancing drugs aren't only used by the light hitters.

This is what we get for combating domestic violence πŸ™„

His previous tweet :

So strange.

Do you know that female lipstick simulates sexual arousal?

Can you imagine a man showing up for a business meeting with a giant artificial boner straining at his pants?

Yet lipstick is perfectly acceptable in the business world.

based and burkapilled

What's his long-term goal here? He wants to wear artificial boners?

Stefan just really hates women lol

Bring back fashionable codpices!


First reply already making fun of his penis size.

giant artificial boner straining at his pants

That used to be a thing. Bring codpieces back in 2020!

Cheap psychologizing instead of an argument, never seen that from a woman before

got em


1) He's not a good enough looking dude to talk shit about aging looks.

2) If that's true, then every latina since conception is trying to mask fertility

3) If he goes to a daddy/daughter dance or one of those toddler padgets, arrest him as a safe precaution.

4) He's ether a retard or master troll (why not both?).

molymeme is a certified retard lol

I like the foids sarcastically commenting that sure they think about their thinning lips and signaling fertility when applying makeup. Bitch, when a male lion kills all cubs after taking over a pride he isn't thinking about the genes and parental investment, he's a lion, he doesn't even know those words!

It really cracks me up all the people who replied "maybe they just like lipstick" as if that's a meaningful response.

That's what it feels like to have an instinct. There's an underlying purpose crafted by natural selection, but it always manifests itself as a vague feeling. "I just happen to like X" - we say. Why do we crave sugary foods? There's an actual real reason, but we aren't conscious of it. We just feel the craving. And if someone explains the actual underlying reason using evolutionary psychology, if your response is "well maybe I just like ice cream" then you're an idiot.

They like attention, they just get offended when someone is critical of where that attention comes from

Side note, women never lose their ability to have sex and please their partner.


Pleasure is the gasoline a marriage burns to keep running.

Divorce rates are through the roof.

Feminism has caused a fuel shortage

Hoes? Oh they mad.

Based and Redpilled

Lol of course the women go straight to insults instead of debating

This is the guy who made fable(ignoring all the pitiful terrible sequels). I don't understand how you make that life pivot.

That's Peter Molyneux you fucking retard

They're different people?

This guy also said:

Women who choose the assholes will fucking end this race. They will fucking end this human race if we don't start holding them a-fucking-countable. Women who choose assholes guarantee child abuse. Women who choose assholes guarantee criminality. Sociopathy. Politicians. All the cold-hearted jerks who run the world came out of the vaginas of women who married assholes, and I don't know how to make the world a better place without holding women accountable for choosing assholes! Your dad was an asshole because your mother chose him, because it works on so many women! If "asshole" wasn't a great reproductive strategy, it would have been gone long ago. Women keep that black bastard flame alive. They cup their hands around it. They protect it with their bodies...Keep fucking monsters, we get catastrophes, we get war, we get nuclear weapons, we get national debts, we get incarcerations and prison guards and all the other florid assholes who rule the world. Women worship at the feet of the devil and wonder why the world is evil.

Women keep that black bastard flame alive.

Raced, Based and black-pilled.